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Vincent T. H. CHU

What is the difference between open shield and closed shield for TBM?

Open shield type TBM refers to those providing lateral support only. They can be further classified into single shield and double shield.

Closed shield type TBM refers to those providing lateral support and frontal support. Some common TBM method under this category includes compressed air TBM, slurry shield TBM, earth pressure balance machine and mixed confinement shield.


Compressed air TBM is suitable for cohesive soils under water table (e.g. ground with low permeability with no major discontinuities). Slurry shield TBM is suitable for soft ground and soft rock under water table and also for ground for high permeability. Earth pressure balance machine is suitable for soft ground and soft rock under water table. It is not recommended for very abrasive and hard ground.

This question is taken from book named – A Self Learning Manual – Mastering Different Fields of Civil Engineering Works (VC-Q-A-Method) by Vincent T. H. CHU.

What are the situations which warrant the use of pipe ramming instead of other trenchless methods?

There are two main distinct advantages of pipe ramming:

(i) Settlement and heaving of existing ground.
Where a pipe have to be installed under an existing railway or heavily-trafficked highway, it is almost impossible to install the pipes by open excavation. In particular, if the pipes to be installed are of shallow depth, the use of some trenchless methods (e.g. pipe jacking and heading) may cause considerable ground settlement because the soil loss within shallow zone would induce larger settlement. As such, the use of pipe ramming could resolve this concern. Pipe ramming is a displacement method which generally would not result in ground loss. For open-ended steel casing, the soils inside the pipe are not removed until the entire casing is installed in place.


(ii) Muck Disposal
For microtunneling, spoils are removed from the excavation face in a slurry so that the spoil are wet. Hence, sufficient space has to be provided to allow for drying of spoils or the wet spoils have to be removed off site immediately. For pipe ramming slurry is not used so that the spoil retains only it natural moisture content. Therefore, it is easier to handle in-situ soils than wet spoils. On the other hand, the amount of spoil produced by pipe ramming is smaller when compared with pipe jacking and microtunneling

This question is taken from book named – A Self Learning Manual – Mastering Different Fields of Civil Engineering Works (VC-Q-A-Method) by Vincent T. H. CHU.

Would pipe ramming increase the vertical soil loads on installed pipes?

Consider a certain cross section along the line of pipe ramming. When the pipe is rammed close to the cross section, the horizontal and vertical soil pressure would increase owing to the effect of soil compaction brought about by dynamic ramming operation. Upon reaching the cross section, soil pressure is redistributed around the pipe such that the vertical pressure above the pipes is reduced while the vertical pressure in pipe abutment locations is increased. When the pipe is advanced further, the load on pipes tend to increase owing to reorientation of soils around pipe wall. Finally, when the pipe is rammed some distance away from the cross section, a stable state is achieved in which there is smaller earth pressure on the pipe’s top and higher vertical soil pressure on soils at both sides of the pipe.


This question is taken from book named – A Self Learning Manual – Mastering Different Fields of Civil Engineering Works (VC-Q-A-Method) by Vincent T. H. CHU.

Should closed-end or open-end pipes be used in pipe ramming?

It is more common to adopt open-end pipes in pipe ramming because it is not readily to undergo surface heaving or pipe deflection when compared with closed-end pipes. Moreover, the use of open-end pipes requires lower ramming force.

Closed-end pipes are only used in the following conditions:


(i) Ground with poor self-support so that inflow of soils inside the pipes would render ground settlement and loss of support to utility services.

(ii) Small size of pipes.

This question is taken from book named – A Self Learning Manual – Mastering Different Fields of Civil Engineering Works (VC-Q-A-Method) by Vincent T. H. CHU.

In pipe jacking/microtunneling, it is commonly accepted that cover depths of jacking pipes cannot be too shallow (i.e. less than 2D where D is the diameter of jacking pipes). Why?

For pipe jacking/microtunneling, the causes of large settlement are loss of face stability, failure to stabilize ground around shafts, presence of annular space around pipes and shield, drag along pipe joints, etc. The settlement mechanism of shallow depths of pipe jacking/microtunneling is the formation of a settlement trough on top of the jacking pipes. The width of the trough depends on soil properties; the larger is the cover depth of jacking pipes, the larger is the width of settlement trough. For the same soil volume loss due to pipe jacking/microtunneling, the width of settlement trough for shallow cover depth is smaller and therefore it results in a larger vertical maximum settlement.


Settlement trough in micotunneling

This question is taken from book named – A Self Learning Manual – Mastering Different Fields of Civil Engineering Works (VC-Q-A-Method) by Vincent T. H. CHU.

Why does settlement occur in microtunneling?

Settlements occur in microtunneling, or other tunnel construction methods in two forms: large settlements and systematic settlements. The cause of large settlements is the over-excavation by microtunneling machine leading to the loss of stability at the tunnel face and the formation of empty space above the tunnel. The occurrence of large settlements is attributed to the improper operation of the tunneling machine or rapid unexpected changes in ground conditions.

Systematic settlements are mainly caused by the collapse of the radial overcut between the jacking pipe and the excavation. The annular space between the jacking pipe and the excavation is essential in microtunneling and pipe jacking for the following purposes:


(i) Reduction of jacking forces
(ii) Injection of the lubrication
(iii)Steering of the microtunneling boring machine

During tunneling, the soils may collapse onto the pipe, resulting in subsidence at the ground surface. Systematic settlements can be controlled by limiting the radial overcut and by filling the annulus with bentonite lubricant during tunneling, and with cement grout after tunneling is completed.

This question is taken from book named – A Self Learning Manual – Mastering Different Fields of Civil Engineering Works (VC-Q-A-Method) by Vincent T. H. CHU.

What are the situations which warrant the use of microtunneling instead of other trenchless methods?

There are two main advantages of microtunneling:

(i) Difficult ground conditions
Microtunnels could operate under a water head of 30m or more. It is capable of handling a wide range of soils such as cobble, boulders and rock without the need of dewatering.


(ii) Surface settlement
Surface settlement could be minimized by using microtunneling. For example, the use of earth pressure balance method in microtunneling helps balance the external soil loads and groundwater. Moreover, the rate of advancement of machine and the rate of excavation of tunnel face can be readily controlled so that it reduces the occurrence of over-excavation at tunnel face and hence the ground settlement.

This question is taken from book named – A Self Learning Manual – Mastering Different Fields of Civil Engineering Works (VC-Q-A-Method) by Vincent T. H. CHU.

Does microtunneling refer to tunnel size less than 1000mm?

The international definition of microtunneling includes pipe with diameter up to 1,000mm only. However, in the United States, it allows for larger pipe size when defining microtunneling in which pipe with diameters up to 144 inches are also counted within the ambit of microtunneling.


The basic concept of microtunneling has changed gradually owing to recent technological developments and past experience. For instance, the use of alignment control system with advanced surveying techniques allows for longer drives with good control and curved microtunneling. The use of automatic lubrication system enhances lower jacking forces. The employment of gripper in microtunneling machines helps develop adequate loads on cutter discs for cutting rock.

This question is taken from book named – A Self Learning Manual – Mastering Different Fields of Civil Engineering Works (VC-Q-A-Method) by Vincent T. H. CHU.

What is the difference between pipe jacking and micro-tunneling?

Pipe jacking is a general technique of the installation of pipes with a tunneling shield in front and the pipes are jacked from a jacking pit to a receiving pit. The tunneling shield for pipe jacking can be electrical and mechanical equipment for conducting the excavation work or it can be a manual shield for workers going inside the shield to carry out manual excavation. For microtunneling, it is a kind of pipe jacking of small sized non-man-entry pipes which are remotely controlled. In general, there are two common types of micro-tunneling machines:

(i) Pressurised slurry
Similar to the Pressurised slurry TBM, excavated material is transported from the excavation face to the surface suspended in a slurry.


(ii) Auger machine
Excavated material is transported from the excavation face to the drive pit through a cased screw auger.

This question is taken from book named – A Self Learning Manual – Mastering Different Fields of Civil Engineering Works (VC-Q-A-Method) by Vincent T. H. CHU.

In concrete pipe joint for pipe jacking, butt end type with mild steel band and socketed in-wall rubber ring type are commonly used. Which one is better?

Butt end type with mild steel band is commonly used for storm water application. The mild steel band serves to prevent lateral displacement if pipe joint during pipe jacking.


Socketed in-wall rubber ring type is normally used for sewer and pressure pipe situation and for pipe size exceeding 1200mm in diameter. The rubber ring is designed to provide a seal to pipe joint to ensure water tightness, which is essential in sewage pipelines.

Butt end type with mild steel band and socketed in-wall rubber ring type

This question is taken from book named – A Self Learning Manual – Mastering Different Fields of Civil Engineering Works (VC-Q-A-Method) by Vincent T. H. CHU.

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