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Civil Engineering Events

World Engineering Congress- 2011

The engineering world is perpetually in motion, frequently transitioning from one phase to another, and constantly having to deal with the complexities of change and the impact it creates. Now more than ever the spotlight is on engineers to shape the mould, put their best foot forward and lead us through the maze to an array of engineering wonders of the 21st century.
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Nirmaan : The All India Civil Engineering Festival, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University(IT-BHU)

God created man, and men created civilizations. Civilizations were and are born and breed off the hands of Civil Engineering.

We welcome all to this stanza extravaganza, a three day exquisite fest during 1-3 April, 2011. Civil Engineering Department, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University ”Nirmaan’11 – A Civil Engineering Technical Fest.”
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China International Construction Machinery Exhibition (CME2011)

With the support of the Republic of China Ministry of Housing and Urban, China Association of Municipal Machinery Association will hold “China International Construction Machinery Exhibition 2011” (CME 2011) at Guangzhou-Canton Fair Pazhou Complex in March 30th-April 1st,2011. So this exhibition will integrate the industry resources of construction machinery from all dimension, enhance brand value and strengthen the core competitiveness of intellectual property greatly. It also set up an international full-service platform for construction machinery industry and constantly improve manufacturers’ international competitiveness.

By more than one year’s market research, CME 2011 has fully learned the aspirations of the majority of construction machinery manufacturers. Therefore,CME 2011 will take the “Asia’s largest” Canton Fair- Pazhou Complex in Guangzhou as a platform. CME 2011 is expected to cover over 50,000 square meters, including indoor exhibition hall and outdoor exhibition hall, which will gather more than 50,000 professional visitors and industry representatives from over 20 countries and regions.

The more exciting news is “China Association of Municipal Engineering Annual Conference” will be held at the same time with the CME 2011.All members of China Association of Municipal Engineering will be present at this Exhibition, including Municipal Engineering Association in various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, units of municipal road engineering design, construction, maintenance, management, administrative department of transportation, Road and Bridge Companies, Municipal Engineering Company and so on. They will form a powerful and professional purchasing team, which is unparalleled in any exhibition in China.


Meanwhile, it is a blue moon for all decision-making figures of China Association of Municipal Engineering gathering to attend an exhibition, which will give you unexpected surprise to propagandize your product in here and to demonstrate your enterprise image here. Besides, Municipal authorities, management and other related departments, industry will also attend this grand exhibition., so it will bring out an extraordinary effect in China municipal engineering.

Simultaneous activity
China Municipal Engineering Association Annual Conference
Related forums, exchange meeting, technology promotion meeting and other supporting activities.
The 3rd Guangzhou International Garden Landscape & Better Living Fair

For further details, please contact:
Vicky Cai
Tel No.:+86 20-22106420
Fax No.+86 20-82579220
E-mail:[email protected]

Megalith 2011

Civil Engineering Department Of “IIT KHARAGPUR” is Organising the Second Edition of it’s Technical Fest “MEGALITH” from 14th-16th Jan,2011.

It aim’s to Achieve the Objective of Promoting and Encouraging innovation in Engineering among the Students and a platform to apply the Engineering they learnt and understand the technical difficulties faced in the real world which is beyond their realm of books.

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Civilisation 2010

CIVILISATION’10 is a National Level Technical Symposium conducted by the SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS comprising of the staff and students of the Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University Chennai from 25th to 27th of March 2010.

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Aakaar, The annual technical fest of the Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay.

Aakaar, the annual technical fest of the Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay. Scheduled for the 27-28th of February, 2010 at IIT Powai, Mumbai, India; this two day extravaganza promises to envelope the wide diversities of civil engineering – a pedestal to present your ideas, a platform to showoff your designs, a playpen to build those blocks again.

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Marcus Evans – Root Cause Failure Analysis

Getting to the root of your maintenance issues to ensure reliability and improved maintenance systems as well as achieving zero downtime in your operations

Unwanted incidents happen in our daily lives. The extent of the damage now, or whether bad things happen again, is a product of how we respond to the situation. Often without any analysis, we go ahead with hastily conceived, ill-considered solutions that merely sweep the badness under the edge of the rug, to be inadvertently revealed at some later date. What we need is a method that helps us find the core issues affecting our performance.

Root cause failure analysis (RCFA) / Root cause analysis (RCA) is a methodology for finding and correcting the most important reasons for performance problems. It differs from troubleshooting and problem solving in that these disciplines typically seek solutions to specific difficulties, whereas RCFA is directed at underlying issues the true causes.


Significant industries using root cause failure analysis include manufacturing, construction, healthcare, transportation, chemical, petroleum, and power generation. The possible fields of application include operations, project management, quality control, health and safety, business process improvement, change management, and many others.

Marcus Evans – Root Cause Failure Analysis will provide auditors with an opportunity to learn how to conduct an in-depth audit; what elements of a project should be audited and how to develop and report on the audit findings to ensure the report findings are implemented. You will be engaged through the major stages of projects and receive an expert insight that will ultimately help you simplify and concurrently improve your auditing processes.

This intensive course will deliver a customized training, focusing on the key issues as addressed by the sample market. The training will also feature case studies and group activities, which will give a better understanding on carrying out effective RCFAs and getting to the right root cause so that there will no recurrence of maintenance issues and it will ensure smooth running of your plant.

This will be a 2-day training programme provides engineering professionals with methods to enhance their Root Cause Failure Analysis techniques to enhance the reliability and maintenance system of their organization. Do not miss the opportunity to enrich yourself with better accident RCFA techniques that will elevate your organisation’s maintenance standards as well as eliminating downtime.

For further details and brochures, please contact:
Ms. Catherine Foo
T: +603 2723 6757
F: +603 2723 6699
E: [email protected]

Marcus Evans – Project Audit for Risk Assurance

Successfully creating a project management toolbox that will positively impact your project’s end result amidst the volatile economic condition

The recession has increased the need for project audits more than ever. As organisations continue to look for immediate ways in which to save money and time, it becomes imperative that a project health check or audit be conducted in order to immediately identify the source of problems that if fixed, will create future opportunities and savings for these organisations. Project audits and health checks have a direct, bottom-line impact on both public and private organisations.

Marcus Evans – Project Audit for Risk Assurance will provide auditors with an opportunity to learn how to conduct an in-depth audit; what elements of a project should be audited and how to develop and report on the audit findings to ensure the report findings are implemented. You will be engaged through the major stages of projects and receive an expert insight that will ultimately help you simplify and concurrently improve your auditing processes.


This intensive course will deliver practical knowledge to our delegates by exposing them to important case studies, scenario building and other exciting activities which will be evaluated by our PMI qualified trainer. Delegates can discuss their most pressing issues in complex contract management and examine the correct practices for smoother project operations and increased productivity.

This will be a 2-day training programme with a carefully chosen trainer who has extensive experience in conducting training courses. The trainer will deliver a customized training, focusing on the key issues as addressed by the sample market. Another important element is to allow more hands-on exchange & sharing between participants whereby the trainer is to attempt to solve participants’ real life case studies brought to the training. This is to allow for more intensive Q&A opportunities with the trainer.
For further details and brochures, please contact:

Ms. Catherine Foo
T: +603 2723 6757
F: +603 2723 6699
E: [email protected]

Marcus Evans – Project Management

Programme Management: An Approach for Managing Strategic and Complex Projects

Project management is a process by which corporate objectives can be achieved successfully by correct planning, organising and managing of available resources. A project can be any event in the industry with a specific start date and a targeted end date to create a product or service to meet certain specifications and expectations and will bring added value to that same product or service.
Marcus Evans –Project Management will look at managing multiple ongoing interdependent projects at the same time or projects distributed over wide geographic limitations etc. which require more complex management techniques and specialized skills. Complex project management or ‘programme management’ involves larger scale projects than normal project management scenarios and require the project manager to have robust direction over resource allocation and more effective means of project monitoring and control.

This intensive course will deliver practical knowledge to our delegates by exposing them to important case studies, scenario building and other exciting activities which will be evaluated by our PMI qualified trainer. Delegates can discuss their most pressing issues in complex contract management and examine the correct practices for smoother project operations and increased productivity.
This will be a 2-day training programme with a carefully chosen trainer who has extensive experience in conducting training courses. The trainer will deliver a customized training, focusing on the key issues as addressed by the sample market. Another important element is to allow more hands-on exchange & sharing between participants whereby the trainer is to attempt to solve participants’ real life case studies brought to the training. This is to allow for more intensive Q&A opportunities with the trainer.


For further details and brochures, please contact:
Ms. Catherine Foo
T: +603 2723 6757
F: +603 2723 6699
E: [email protected]

BLS Congress

BLS Congress
24th & 25th November 2008
Hyatt Regency Dubai UAE

BLS Congress 2008 is focusing on Bulk Liquid Storage issues in industries such as oil, petrochemical and chemical in the Middle East. With the rapidly increasing demand of oil and the rising prices of oil in the Middle East, the need for best practices in storage installations and safety aspects cannot be denied. This congress does not only focus on the design and maintenance aspects of bulk liquid storage tanks, but also on vital aspects such as safety and operations efficiency of bulk liquid storage installations.


BLS Congress 2008 is a convention of Managing Directors, CEOs, Plant Managers, Terminal Managers and senior executives from the operations, HSE (Health, Safety & Environment) and maintenance from the oil and gas, chemical and petrochemical industry as well as liquid terminal operators involved in the storage and distribution business of bulk liquids in the Middle East. This well-timed event was also put together for attendees to conquer changing market conditions, competitive opportunities, new technologies and solutions for the bulk liquid storage sector, directions towards maximising terminal operations efficiency, as well as gaining knowledge on various techniques which can help increase productivity by minimising product loss.

Conference agenda & focus:

The congress features two-day conference that includes 6 streamed sessions:

Stream 1: Terminal Management & Operations

Stream 2: Tank Maintenance & Refurbishment

Stream 3: Health, Safety & Environment

Stream 4: Terminal Operations & Emergency Response

Stream 5: Tank Construction & Leakage Detection

Stream 6: Environmental Sustainability

Key Benefits of attending:

  • Gaining an in-depth insight into the trends and developments in the bulk liquid storage market in the Middle East
  • Maximising your tank performance through effective maintenance, repair, cleaning and inspection strategies
  • Emphasising on safety procedures and complying to safety and environmental regulations in bulk liquid storage and transportation
  • Increasing efficiency of terminal operations with terminal automation
  • Addressing the change of mindset of staff when shifting from manual to automated operations
  • Mastering best practices in handling and transporting hazardous chemicals
  • Complying with American Petroleum Insititute (API) standards in the design and construction of storage tanks
  • Investing in preventative measures to avoid storage tank disasters
  • Applying proper disaster recovery and emergency response techniques to battle with disasters retention.

For registration or more information,
please contact Ms. Esther Wong at + 603 2723 6736 or [email protected]
Event URL:

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