Getting to the root of your maintenance issues to ensure reliability and improved maintenance systems as well as achieving zero downtime in your operations
Unwanted incidents happen in our daily lives. The extent of the damage now, or whether bad things happen again, is a product of how we respond to the situation. Often without any analysis, we go ahead with hastily conceived, ill-considered solutions that merely sweep the badness under the edge of the rug, to be inadvertently revealed at some later date. What we need is a method that helps us find the core issues affecting our performance.
Root cause failure analysis (RCFA) / Root cause analysis (RCA) is a methodology for finding and correcting the most important reasons for performance problems. It differs from troubleshooting and problem solving in that these disciplines typically seek solutions to specific difficulties, whereas RCFA is directed at underlying issues the true causes.

Significant industries using root cause failure analysis include manufacturing, construction, healthcare, transportation, chemical, petroleum, and power generation. The possible fields of application include operations, project management, quality control, health and safety, business process improvement, change management, and many others.
Marcus Evans – Root Cause Failure Analysis will provide auditors with an opportunity to learn how to conduct an in-depth audit; what elements of a project should be audited and how to develop and report on the audit findings to ensure the report findings are implemented. You will be engaged through the major stages of projects and receive an expert insight that will ultimately help you simplify and concurrently improve your auditing processes.
This intensive course will deliver a customized training, focusing on the key issues as addressed by the sample market. The training will also feature case studies and group activities, which will give a better understanding on carrying out effective RCFAs and getting to the right root cause so that there will no recurrence of maintenance issues and it will ensure smooth running of your plant.
This will be a 2-day training programme provides engineering professionals with methods to enhance their Root Cause Failure Analysis techniques to enhance the reliability and maintenance system of their organization. Do not miss the opportunity to enrich yourself with better accident RCFA techniques that will elevate your organisation’s maintenance standards as well as eliminating downtime.
For further details and brochures, please contact:
Ms. Catherine Foo
T: +603 2723 6757
F: +603 2723 6699
E: [email protected]