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Highway Engineering

What is the purpose of paving bituminous surfacing over concrete structures?

The use of bituminous surfacing over concrete structures (e.g. existing concrete roads) is widespread to improve the skid-resistance and the general appearance of roads on one hand, and to avoid the pre-mature
failure of concrete surface by frost spalling in cold countries on the other hand.
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What is the desirable compacted thickness of bituminous pavement?

The choice of compacted thickness is closely related to the nominal maximum size of aggregates of bituminous materials. Based on the recommendation by Dr. Robert N. Hunter, the rule of thumb is that the compacted layer thickness should exceed 2.5 times the maximum size of aggregate. If the layer thickness is less than 1.5 times the nominal maximum size of aggregates, the mechanical properties of bituminous material is impaired by the possible crushing of larger sizes of aggregates.

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How would high temperature affect the laying bituminous pavement?

In general, bituminous materials are also broadly classified into two types, namely bitumen macadams and hot-rolled asphalts. During compaction, the increase of temperature causes the reduction of viscosity of binder. The binder acts as a lubricant among aggregates particles because it is mobile in a fluid state under high temperatures. The internal resistance between the bituminous materials is drastically reduced resulting in the formation of a mixture with better aggregate interlock.
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What is the optimum binder content in bituminous pavement?

The amount of binder to be added to a bituminous mixture cannot be too excessive or too little. The principle of designing the optimum amount of binder content is to include sufficient amount of binder so that the
aggregates are fully coated with bitumen and the voids within the bituminous material are sealed up. As such, the durability of the bituminous pavement can be enhanced by the impermeability achieved. Moreover, a minimum amount of binder is essential to prevent the aggregates from being pulled out by the abrasive actions of moving vehicles on the carriageway.
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How does wearing course provide skid resistance?

The skid resistance of wearing course in a bituminous pavement is contributed by the macrotexture (i.e. the general surface roughness) and the microtexture (i.e. the protruding from chippings) of the wearing course.
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In General Specification for Civil Engineering Works (1992 Edition),it specifies the temperature requirements for bituminous material during and after mixing. What is the reason behind this?

Temperature is one of the factors that govern the compaction of bituminous material and the air void content is found to decrease with an increase in compaction temperature. Read More

What is the importance of air void content in bituminous pavements?

The air void content of bituminous materials is an important control parameter for the quality of bitumen being laid and compacted. If the air void content is too high, it allows for intrusion of air and water. Moreover, it also increases the rate of hardening of binders which produce premature embrittlement of pavements. In addition, too high a void content will also lead to differential compaction subject to traffic loads and result in formation of ruts and grooves along the wheel track.
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What are the different functions of aggregates, filler and binder in bituminous pavement?

In bituminous materials, course aggregates perform the bulking action of the mixture and contributes to the stability of resulting mix. Fine aggregates form the major proportion of mortar.
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What is the purpose of tar in bituminous materials?

Tar is commonly incorporated in bituminous materials because of the following reasons:

(i) Blending of tar with bitumen possesses better binding performance with roadstone than bitumen. Read More

Why do some countries have reservation on the use of friction course as bituminous surface layers?

Owing to the porous nature of friction course, its deterioration rate is faster than conventional bituminous materials and the durability of friction course is a main concern form users. The service life of friction course is reported to be around 8-10 years.
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