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Thermal Insulation of Buildings- Principles, Types and Materials

Thermal insulation materials are an important part of buildings. They are meant to stop heat from escaping and keep the temperature inside comfortable. Insulation materials are used in walls, floors, roofs, and ceilings to keep heat from escaping or getting in. It can save energy and cut down on carbon emissions. Several things, like the building’s design, the climate, and the money, affect the choice of insulation material. Some things that affect how well insulation works are the material’s R-value (thermal resistance), ability to keep air out, and ability to fight moisture.

Thermal insulation materials help save energy and have other benefits, such as reducing noise, preventing fires, and making buildings last longer. Because of this, thermal insulation has become an important part of building planning and construction in modern times.

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What is Building Maintenance – Types, Defects and Remedial Measures

What is Building Maintenance?
Building maintenance is the work that is done to keep homes and businesses in good shape and fix problems when they happen. It includes things like cleaning, landscaping, and taking care of the electrical system. It tries to ensure that tenants always live in a safe, useful, and comfortable place.

Some of the most basic things that need to be done to keep a building in good shape are electrical system repairs, landscaping, cleaning, etc. The main goal of building maintenance is to ensure a safe, comfortable, and fully functional system.
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Creep of concrete and their effects

Deformation of a structure due to a sustained load is known as concrete creep. Concrete can alter shape if it is subjected to prolonged strain or stress. This deformation occurs most often in the direction of the applied force. A concrete column compressing or a beam bending are examples of this. Concrete does not always fail or break down as a result of creep. When a load is applied to concrete, an instantaneous elastic strain occurs, which develops into creep strain if the load is sustained.

Concrete’s stress-strain curve is not a straight line, and at a certain value, the strain will continue to increase without a substantial increase in stress. The time-dependent component of the tension that arises as a result of stress is also known as concrete creep.

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How to Make a Concrete Floor Slip-Resistant

Concrete floors can be extremely slippery when wet or icy, especially in the winter. Slippery concrete can be extremely hazardous, resulting in accidents and injuries. When the concrete floor surface is color hardened, sealed, or polished, this problem is more likely to occur.

The coefficient of friction measures the slickness of a surface. As a result, increasing the coefficient of friction of the surface is required to increase slip resistance. Slip-resistant concrete surfaces are created using anti-slip paints, additives, or silica sand.

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Passive Solar Design

A passive solar building is one that is designed and constructed by taking use of the factors found in the surrounding environment, particularly the sun’s movement. If planned and built according to a few passive solar building criteria, passive solar structures will be warm in the cold winters and cool in the hot summers. The sun’s thermal energy is used to both warm and cool the structure in a passive solar design, which is built and placed to shelter the sun during the hotter summer months.

A well-designed passive solar home reduces heating and cooling loads first through energy-efficiency technologies, then uses solar energy to partially or entirely meet those reduced demands. Because modern homes have low heating loads, it’s critical to avoid oversizing south-facing glass and ensuring that it’s adequately shaded in the spring and fall to minimise overheating and increasing cooling loads.
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What is Thermal Bridging in construction? How is it prevented?

The movement of heat across an object that is more conductive than the materials it is surrounded by is referred to as thermal bridging. Heat flows through a path of least resistance created by the conductive material. Thermal bridging can be a significant cause of energy loss in homes and buildings, resulting in increased utility bills. The object’s overall thermal resistance is reduced as a result of thermal bridges. Thermal bridges result in heat transfer into or out of conditioned space and are commonly discussed in the context of a building’s thermal envelope.

Fig 1: Concept of Thermal Bridge
Fig 1: Concept of Thermal Bridge
Source: Civil Engineering Quora

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Fire Protection in Buildings

Practically no building is perfectly fire-proof. Because every building contains some materials which can catch fire easily. The perspective of the architect or engineer should be to plan, design, and construct the building such that it ensures the safety of occupants from the outbreak of fire due to any reason. The fire resistance of a building is expressed in terms of hours when it is subjected to fire of known intensity. Fire protection word is used to cover the following aspects:

  • To prevent fire and reduce the number of outbreaks of fire.
  • To reduce the fire both externally and internally.
  • Use of fire extinguishing apparatus.

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Ways to incorporate sustainability into the house

Nowadays, sustainability has become a primary concern in our daily lives due to its hazardous environmental impact. Therefore, people worldwide have started opting for sustainable homes as it leads to low energy consumption, low cost in maintenance of homes, saving natural resources for future generations, etc. This small step can be a giant leap for humanity towards sustainable living.

A sustainable home is an efficient, resource-friendly, energy-efficient, and water-efficient home that will last with quality systems. Low-impact, high-performance materials are used in sustainable homes that contribute significantly to the environment. Some points are essential that matters the most, i.e., size, location, orientation, outlook, transportation, infrastructure, recyclable materials, and many more.

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Noise Control In Residential Buildings

Maaz Allah Khan, Faizan Quasim, Faraz Hussain, Imran Khan, Fazil Saleem
Azad Institute of engineering & technology

The acoustical design issues for buildings involve the principal issues like site noise considerations. In any heavily populated area, there is enough activity going on at once during the day to generate all kinds of sounds across the audible spectrum of human hearing. Planes take off and land, traffic moves along roadways, construction crew repair roads, dogs bark, music blares, sirens sound, and lawns are mowed, etc.

The information contained in this article about library acoustics is intended as a source for these standards. As the architectural and engineering design of the project evolves, the design should be reviewed in light of the agreed upon acoustical programmatic requirements for the building project.

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Noise Pollution from Vehicular Traffic from Selected Junctions in Bengaluru

Paul Pop, Rashmi Kulranjan, Nived Uthaiah. P, Radhika V G
St Joseph’s College, Bengaluru

Mahesh Kashyap, Consultant, Bengaluru

Noise pollution can be defined as the unwanted sound that is released to the environment and disturbing the human beings. Sources of noise pollution include industrial sources, non-industrial sources, vehicles, uncontrolled use of loud speakers, construction activities such as drilling, etc. Noise levels from vehicles through engines and horns are the main cause of concern in cities and may potentially contribute about 60% of total noise pollution. An attempt was made to measure noise levels emanating from vehicles on selected roads within a radius of approximately two kilometers from St Joseph’s College. These are major roads that witness heavy traffic during peak and non-peak hours. Traffic volume and noise levels were measured at various junctions on these roads during peak and non-peak hours. The study also includes remedial measures that can be implemented to reduce the noise levels.

Keywords: Noise, Vehicles, Pollution, Decibels
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