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To calculate Axial Load capacity of a single pile, we should first understand how the pile behaves and what are the resistances offered by it.
Basically we have a shaft resistance Qsu and a Toe resistance Qbu. The total pile capacity is calculated by summing up these two, i.e. Pile capacity Qu is the sum of the shaft resistance Qsu and toe resistances Qbu.
The allowable load Qa is calculated by using this equation
F, F1, and F2 are safety factors having the value in between 2-3 for permanent structures.
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thanks for your effort in this feiled
Can someone please detail calculation for skin friction for CAST In SITU pile in clay and In sand?please note that, in practical cases we have SPT data only.Can I use this data to calculte pile capacity in clay in sand(for cAt in situ pile ). Please note that wash boring is used to mAke the bore.