Is structure engineering troubling you?
Do you face problems in solving even the basic problems?
If yes then look no further as along with Er. Gobind Khurana and Er. Abhimanyu has taken an initiative to help civil engineering students in structure related queries. We are thankful to Er. Gobind Khurana, Er. Abhimanyu and Vincent T. H. CHU for being a volunteer in helping other engineers in solving problems related to structure design in R.C.C and Steel.
Expert 1
Name – Er. Gobind Khurana
1. Bachelor of Civil Engineering From Thapar University Patiala
2. Master of Structure Engineering from Delhi University.
Work Profile: Currently working as Consultant for structural problems in R.C.C and STEEL Design.
Expert 2
Name – Er. Abhimanyu
Bachelor of Civil Engineering From Thapar University Patiala
Training at site in Unitech ( during 6 month summer training)
Work Profile : Presently working as associate design engineer for Fluor Daniel India Pvt Ltd. Area of work is structural steel design and concrete foundations for both static and dynamics analysis ( mainly in oil and gas industry)
Expert 3
Er. Vincent T. H. CHU obtained the degree of civil and structural engineering in the University of Hong Kong. He is the author of the monthly column “The Civil FAQ” in the Hong Kong Engineer published by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and is the author of the civil engineering monthly columns “The Civil Q&A” and “The Civil Corner” on the websites on World Federation of Engineering Organization and the University of Science and Technology (American Society of Civil Engineers – International Student Group) respectively. He is the recipient of the Ombudsman’s Award 2007 under complaint-related category and Young Engineer of the Year Award 2008 (Merit) organized by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. He is also the author of the engineering book “200 Question and Answers on Practical Civil Engineering Works”, “Civil Engineering Practical Notes A-Z” , “Ask Vincent Chu (Common FAQ on Practical Civil Engineering Works)” and “The Underlying Reasons in Practical Civil Engineering Works”.
So if you have any query regarding the concerned matter, just drop a comment and we will try to solve it as soon as possible.
sir i m so much confused which branch i should take civil or mechanical
i am a fresher which one is better for my starting time of my job either design or site work
i am 12th pass student and i want to know that if i decide to persue civil engineering what i am actually getting into, thing is i am interested in math and physics and i don’t know that i will be getting what i need in this field of engineering
hello sir,
Can u provide me lap length of steel bar as per grade of concrete
hi sir,can u please tell me how to detail helical and spiral staircase or different types of staircase. or are there any codes or books other sp 34 and is 13920.
thank u.
sir, i would like to ask something regarding what do you think is a good study/investigation regarding low cost construction. What is need to be investigated of in order to contribute to the construction industry? your response is a very big help sir!tanx
Hi. Well i was trying to find what is the minimum strenght required for concrete of M40 grade to attain before stressting is done in case of Post Tensioned Slabs and is it necessary for the shuttering to stay until the stressing is done or it can be removed after initial setting time.
Thank you.
What are the effect on a already mixed concrete when it is delayed to use
Namaste sir,
please tell me at what % of water initial setting time of cement are conducted.either at standard consistency or at 85% of the standard consistency
Hello Sir, What is the uses of estimation and costing?
I need to know how to calculate the bar in the slap? beam concrete an column? What should i do first if i want to calculate a villa?or big house?
Hello Sir, I have completed B-Tech (Hons), i have no experience of Site work, could you please help me in a problem,
How could we built a new Basement Between 2 (Banglows), what is the safe process of work, that we complete the work on time, Basic problem is that 2 side banglows has not the Basement Floor.
Is limestone a suitable aggregate for Grade 35 and above concrete?
hi! can you give me a sample of pre-pouring checklist.
Dear Sir,
I am working as a project Engineer in a real estate company. Sir i would like to know is there any manual for cement consumption in various works & grades
dear irshad
you must understand initially on which basis civil engg works like its deals with stdy of natural science phenomenon ex. load, capacity, nature forces, material availability, etc
by jyotiba…..
dear kiran, in MNC companies you may get around 20000 to 40000 salary per month if you are graduate engineer with minimum 60% aggregates…
by jyotiba…
dear surapaneni samanth, first recognize in which subject perfect you are? like theorotical or problamatic on that basis you choose your best topic for project… if you r fully confusing then do study of offshore engineering, its very interestin…
by jyotiba…
dear raj kuma, offcourse cube testing is required to nominal mix concrete grade, because u have to know how much stresses it can handle along with steel,,,,
by jyotiba…
dear jeet, m10 and m15 are used now a days are plain cement concrete means without reinforcement, and m20, m25 are the nominal mixes along with reinforcement, and m30, and above are the design mixes of concrete…
by jyotiba