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Is structure engineering troubling you?
Do you face problems in solving even the basic problems?

If yes then look no further as along with Er. Gobind Khurana and Er. Abhimanyu has taken an initiative to help civil engineering students in structure related queries. We are thankful to Er. Gobind Khurana, Er. Abhimanyu and Vincent T. H. CHU for being a volunteer in helping other engineers in solving problems related to structure design in R.C.C and Steel.

Expert 1
Name – Er. Gobind Khurana
1. Bachelor of Civil Engineering From Thapar University Patiala
2. Master of Structure Engineering from Delhi University.
Work Profile: Currently working as Consultant for structural problems in R.C.C and STEEL Design.

Expert 2
Name – Er. Abhimanyu
Bachelor of Civil Engineering From Thapar University Patiala
Training at site in Unitech ( during 6 month summer training)
Work Profile : Presently working as associate design engineer for Fluor Daniel India Pvt Ltd. Area of work is structural steel design and concrete foundations for both static and dynamics analysis ( mainly in oil and gas industry)

Expert 3
Er. Vincent T. H. CHU obtained the degree of civil and structural engineering in the University of Hong Kong. He is the author of the monthly column “The Civil FAQ” in the Hong Kong Engineer published by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and is the author of the civil engineering monthly columns “The Civil Q&A” and “The Civil Corner” on the websites on World Federation of Engineering Organization and the University of Science and Technology (American Society of Civil Engineers – International Student Group) respectively. He is the recipient of the Ombudsman’s Award 2007 under complaint-related category and Young Engineer of the Year Award 2008 (Merit) organized by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. He is also the author of the engineering book “200 Question and Answers on Practical Civil Engineering Works”, “Civil Engineering Practical Notes A-Z” , “Ask Vincent Chu (Common FAQ on Practical Civil Engineering Works)” and “The Underlying Reasons in Practical Civil Engineering Works”.

So if you have any query regarding the concerned matter, just drop a comment and we will try to solve it as soon as possible.

3,910 comments on "Ask An Expert"

hitesh vasoya says:

I am working project of low cost house.The project aim in coarse aggregate replace 10% of coconut cell.

Bikashita Ghose says:

Is there any software compatible with AutoCAD, and can calculate the cutting length of the bar and can prepare BBS directly from AutoCAD drawing?

jeya prakash says:

help me to design trapezoidal shape slab… can any books help me ? pls mention here….

mujahid ali says:

Hi i just want to know what is maximum permissible range of absorption for stone used in construction????

k raghunath reddy says:

Sir how to use aerial surveying and remote sensing techniques in estimating the damage by floods.

Sagar says:

Dear Sir, Can you let me know Indian companies who are developing softwares for Tunnel Survey

pawan patel says:

What is difference between fly ash and pond ash?

harlene says:

I wanted to know on how to measure the dimensions of the house or how to estimate it if you are given the total area.

Mandeep Bharj says:

I am student of Civil final year 7th semester, please guide me to choose the best option in future.

sunil says:

In India in which laboratory can i test a RMC cube WHETHER it has flyash in it or not and is it possible to know the percentage of flyash content ???

Fred Osifelo says:

Interest to find out the ratios of mixing 1 cubic metre of AIA, Aggregate and Structural- that is cement, sand , gravel and water.



pl give mix design of S C C WITHOUT flyash for 100 MM thick shear wall grade M-20

hafizah iffah binti suib says:

hello,i’m a student of of building engineering..may i know the list of fundamental of building engineering??..and please explain about it..thank you..

nitin nautiyal says:

What is the surface area test to find out the fund out the fineness of cement?

uday says:

now i’m pursuing B.E civil 3rd year i would like to learn designing softwares like autocad, stadpro so please guide me what to do……..

gokendra nagar says:

i am student of 3 year of rtu, rajasthan. can i get job after complete my degree. give me job information for fresher.

khushal patil says:

how can calculate the curtail bar ? whats the meaning of curtail bar ?

mbg says:

what does Grade of Concrete M15/A40 mean

aakash says:

how much steel used in 100 sq. feet in slab

kiran says:

what is the standard size of measuring box for cement,sand and aggregates

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