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Ask An Expert

Is structure engineering troubling you?
Do you face problems in solving even the basic problems?

If yes then look no further as along with Er. Gobind Khurana and Er. Abhimanyu has taken an initiative to help civil engineering students in structure related queries. We are thankful to Er. Gobind Khurana, Er. Abhimanyu and Vincent T. H. CHU for being a volunteer in helping other engineers in solving problems related to structure design in R.C.C and Steel.

Expert 1
Name – Er. Gobind Khurana
1. Bachelor of Civil Engineering From Thapar University Patiala
2. Master of Structure Engineering from Delhi University.
Work Profile: Currently working as Consultant for structural problems in R.C.C and STEEL Design.

Expert 2
Name – Er. Abhimanyu
Bachelor of Civil Engineering From Thapar University Patiala
Training at site in Unitech ( during 6 month summer training)
Work Profile : Presently working as associate design engineer for Fluor Daniel India Pvt Ltd. Area of work is structural steel design and concrete foundations for both static and dynamics analysis ( mainly in oil and gas industry)

Expert 3
Er. Vincent T. H. CHU obtained the degree of civil and structural engineering in the University of Hong Kong. He is the author of the monthly column “The Civil FAQ” in the Hong Kong Engineer published by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and is the author of the civil engineering monthly columns “The Civil Q&A” and “The Civil Corner” on the websites on World Federation of Engineering Organization and the University of Science and Technology (American Society of Civil Engineers – International Student Group) respectively. He is the recipient of the Ombudsman’s Award 2007 under complaint-related category and Young Engineer of the Year Award 2008 (Merit) organized by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. He is also the author of the engineering book “200 Question and Answers on Practical Civil Engineering Works”, “Civil Engineering Practical Notes A-Z” , “Ask Vincent Chu (Common FAQ on Practical Civil Engineering Works)” and “The Underlying Reasons in Practical Civil Engineering Works”.

So if you have any query regarding the concerned matter, just drop a comment and we will try to solve it as soon as possible.

3,910 comments on "Ask An Expert"

varun menon o says:

sir, im a btech civil engineering student, as a final year i need to submit a project, and im really interested in the design of T girder bridge design, so if u kindly tell me the IS code that can be used for the design of T beam bridge design , i would be greatful for ur service… pls reply soon… project starts next week

hema says:

what are the skills that we must develop for becoming a perfect civil engineer?

anusha ajayan says:

sir please give me a model plan of an international airport for my project (yerminal building, apron, hangers,runway, taxiway design etc)

Francis Momanyi says:

What is the impact of changinging pile diameter in the efficiency of the pile group? And how can I rectify the change?

prito says:

What are the application of liquidity of soil

Sandeep Naik says:

sir . kindly guide me regarding the manufacturing process of pcc railway sleepers including raw material and moulds,regards

pratap says:

sir can you tell me how to calculate the volume of the prestressed concrete pipes?

Nihar Reddy says:

Dear sir, I am working as a Jr. Pavement Engineer. In my site I could find many reflective cracks on the newly laid bituminous concrete (now 1year old). May I have the possible solutions to repair those cracks without awkward visibility?

Mohamed masood says:

Sir, i am studying b.e civil engineering .can i do M ARC.

Abdul-hafiz says:

pls i need materials on my project topic tittled parametric study on the analysis and design of helical staircase.

sarath gamage says:

Do we need temperature control for Grade 25 reinforcement concrete?
Normal temperature in the afternoon 29 degrees

arvind nakum says:

I am pursuing my ME in structure engineering. I want a dissertation topic on slag cement concrete. can you please suggest me any topic.


i need materials for my project topic of resort in hilly area.

ravi tailor says:

please explain for steel grade means and method?

Brittany says:

Can you tell me what percentage of new construction is pre-engineered metal buildings?

muthyalu says:

how to calculate available yield and tank capacity of irrigation tank

shaf says:

How to analyse multispan simply supported viaduct ?

chethan says:

need some journals about feasibilty of making concrete from soil instead of river sand

krishna gopal says:

My house is under construction at Indore. Kindly advise me which quality & size of Bright MS Bar should be used by me for Window Grill to achieve proper safety.


hai,which has good future among qa/qc or structural engineer in saudhi.

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