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Is structure engineering troubling you?
Do you face problems in solving even the basic problems?

If yes then look no further as along with Er. Gobind Khurana and Er. Abhimanyu has taken an initiative to help civil engineering students in structure related queries. We are thankful to Er. Gobind Khurana, Er. Abhimanyu and Vincent T. H. CHU for being a volunteer in helping other engineers in solving problems related to structure design in R.C.C and Steel.

Expert 1
Name – Er. Gobind Khurana
1. Bachelor of Civil Engineering From Thapar University Patiala
2. Master of Structure Engineering from Delhi University.
Work Profile: Currently working as Consultant for structural problems in R.C.C and STEEL Design.

Expert 2
Name – Er. Abhimanyu
Bachelor of Civil Engineering From Thapar University Patiala
Training at site in Unitech ( during 6 month summer training)
Work Profile : Presently working as associate design engineer for Fluor Daniel India Pvt Ltd. Area of work is structural steel design and concrete foundations for both static and dynamics analysis ( mainly in oil and gas industry)

Expert 3
Er. Vincent T. H. CHU obtained the degree of civil and structural engineering in the University of Hong Kong. He is the author of the monthly column “The Civil FAQ” in the Hong Kong Engineer published by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and is the author of the civil engineering monthly columns “The Civil Q&A” and “The Civil Corner” on the websites on World Federation of Engineering Organization and the University of Science and Technology (American Society of Civil Engineers – International Student Group) respectively. He is the recipient of the Ombudsman’s Award 2007 under complaint-related category and Young Engineer of the Year Award 2008 (Merit) organized by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. He is also the author of the engineering book “200 Question and Answers on Practical Civil Engineering Works”, “Civil Engineering Practical Notes A-Z” , “Ask Vincent Chu (Common FAQ on Practical Civil Engineering Works)” and “The Underlying Reasons in Practical Civil Engineering Works”.

So if you have any query regarding the concerned matter, just drop a comment and we will try to solve it as soon as possible.

3,910 comments on "Ask An Expert"

Amila J says:

What is the hardness of a concrete column or beam? Are their specific ranges for the hardness of concrete surfaces?

M.srishylam says:

Hello sir what is calculate month beam level RCC work

chitsadu says:

Please suggest a journal dealing with ABC ,accelerated bridge construction.Please…

dilip deole says:

we want solution for repairing a RCC Tbeam of underpass bridge which was hit by overheighted truck and damaged beam and break the reinfrcement. Traffic is moving smoothly and there is no crack on slab. But we want beam is to be repaired from bottom side. Looking forward for your suggestions.


what is the difference between portland slag cement & portland pozzolana cement in terms of griha rating and their point of view.


I am an undergraduate student and i have to design a steel tower for the purpose of bird watch according to Eurocode 3. can you please tell me how to find the dead load, live loads on the structure according to EC3 ?



I have a godown which was used for urea storage for few years. this godown was not plastered and its floor was also of bricks laid down on soil.
when it was not in use for urea storage anymore, we have plastered its walls and for floor we have used concrete and then plaster of cement around 8 years back.

Now problem is that too much moisture remains on floor throughout the year except summer. Moisture quantity is so much like somebody has watered the floor.

We have other rooms in the vicinity of this godown and there is not such problem.

Please tell me why it’s so and what can be the permanent solution for it.

sasi says:

Sir, i want to know, whether buried anchors can be used in continuous span bridges.? What are points to be checked while using buried prestressing anchors?

Sayed says:

What Should be the maximum variation percentage of weight of cube from average weight, please Advice ?

Avinash Vanarase says:

What should be the acceptance criteria for Cube Strength for HVFA Concrete? Usually its does not give target strength on 28th day.

Abina Paco says:

How is biomimetics done in civil engineering ? what are the principles?

krishna teja says:

hello sir
i am doing in structural engineering
now i want to do project ..i am not getting any idea of that can give me any ideas about experimental partial replacement of fine aggregate and totally replacement of coarse aggregate

mohit beniwal says:

plastering of a wall decrease or increase the strength of wall??? Or plastering increase dead load of wall only


Can i get a complete report on construction of commercial building?


Sir if i didnt clear any govt. Exam…..then can i get any private jobs

aleena says:

in my architecture design project, i want to cantilever 7m of the top floor , the material used is concrete, please reccomend the minimum thickness of the beam for the cantileverd part of the building.

Asis Das says:

can we construct underground house after construction of the complete house?

Archit says:

How can a composite slab(cold formed steel and concrete) bridge can be designed ?
What are the books available for it ?

Anjani03 says:

This book (Steel Designing 5th Ed.) has information on designing a composite member. If not then you can get the info from which has all the engineering related to documents.

Hope this helps!!


Respected sir,
Sir i want to write a training report but i can not stand on to write the report. I see you blog how to write a project report and i really like it. Can you give me send the idea like project report blog than please give me the idea like project report.
If you send the idea how to write training report on my email please send me.
Our teacher give us to submit the training report on 10th august. So please you send me idea as fast as possible.

Thank you sir

Deepak Narayanan says:


I am a finance professional working in Construction, hope you may resolve query. Earlier our estimates are based on DSR rates which are inclusive of taxes like Excise, Vat etc. However post GST 18 % tax is applicable on full value.

Hence is there any published document to compare old DSR rates in GST regime


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