Mr. S.L. Ghorpade
Under the guidance of Prof. A.B. Shendge
Dattakala Group of Institutions Faculty of Engineering, Swami – Chincholi (Bhigwan).
Abstract- The construction of tunnel is important for different purposes. They can be constructed for railways, roadways, pedestrian footways and can be built in hard rock, soft ground, river bed and are also used to convey Hydroelectric power, water stream, or as a sewer. The construction of Diversion Tunnel, Pressure Shaft, and Tailrace Tunnel to convey water is considered in this project. To identify Scheduling of different activities by various methods Network Diagram, C.P.M., P.E.R.T. and their cycle time is calculated. Scheduling for different activity is carried out with the help of Network Diagram & Primavera Software will be carried out in a project stage II. Study of Estimation for a Diversion Tunnel, Pressure Shaft, and Tailrace Tunnel by both methods. Excavation in heading and benching, Rock bolt support work, lining work is considered for cycle time and cost estimation calculation in Diversion Tunnel, Pressure Shaft, and Tailrace Tunnel. Estimation is also carried out by two methods. The comparison of two methods adopted for excavation work and estimation will be carried out in a project stage II.
Keywords- Scheduling, C.P.M., P.E.R.T., Gantt chart, Network Diagram, Estimation, Heading, Benching, Cycle time, Lining, Rock Bolts, Diversion Tunnel, Pressure Shaft, Tailrace Tunnel.
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I am not a chemical engineer with no knowledge of civil engg. I want to learn about RCC design from basics. Can any one pls suggest which book to read?
there are two methods of rcc design 1st limit state method and 2nd working stress method….Before starting set your preferences….if you wish to go with limit state method i will suggest you to buy A.k. Jain, if you opt the second choice buy sushil kumar….the info is based on engineering semester classes…
Plz respond.. i am currently 16..i am contemplating going into the field of engineering. what are yur thoughts on this? =) The aesthetic designs tht some structures have has always fascinated me
for rcc u can prefer book of punmia
Can anyone please say which book is best for Structural Analysis-I?
with a single book it is very difficult to get the knowledge.. better take question papers & then work on it
is that last year qstn paper or exercise from books..?
i studied S. Ramamrutham, and R. Narayan its good i thnk..
S.S. Bhavikatti is also good…
ya i have that book but for reference can you please say which book is goood,& wat is d best way for doing well in Structure…
4 str analysis bhavi-katti book is good
ramamurthum is best book
how to fix top of pile cap is it at ground level
any one have work of leveling near gwalior MP
What are the points that should be kept in mind during concreting for main columns…
i’m marga currently studying civil sister told me to work on a construction materials, should i say hardware to know the kinds of materials were used in constructing a building.i’d like to ask if working on a hardware can help me?thank you in advance.
i am civil enginner . i am seeking for govt. job.pls advise how to crack competitive exams based on civil engineering. is there any institutes offering courses for cracking these type of exams.
Dear friend I thing the (Gupta and Gupta) handbook of civil is the best option for competitive exams
hi… i’m a civil engg student, can plz suggest me which author book is best for hydraulics..?
dear sir myself Anupam konwar i want to know about building construction and structural design can you suggest me which books are help me to know about this.
for building construction punmia &structure rammamurthum
For building construction B C Punmia and Rangwala is good….
For structural design there are many books, can’t get good knowledge with only one book… suggestions are C S Reddy, Wazirani, punmia…
i am civil enginner . i am seeking for govt. job.pls advise how to crack competitive exams based on civil engineering. is there any institutes offering courses for cracking these type of exams.
i am seeking govt. job so plz advise me. how to prepare exams for govt job
plz suggest me what should i do for getting good job after cmpleting b.e.
sir i am in 4th semester of civil engineering ….and i need some tips or motivation abot civil engineering that i become the different and most succesful civil engineer as compared to others ..
sir i want to know that special things that i must have to be done to gain all type of knowledge in civil engineering
sir please help me i am really getting depressed ?????
i am 17, just through with my o levels with the aim of being a civil engineer , i need a guide please.
i’m a civil eng student. Can u suggest which book is better for structural analyisis
i am civil enginner . i am seeking for govt. job.pls advise how to crack competitive exams based on civil engineering. suggest for a good books for it.
hi sir ,,
I am doing be final year 8 th sem ….. can you suggest one project to do
i am civil engg student .i want some important information about all competitive exams in civil engg branch.please suggest that about good competitive exams .please help me for good direction in competitive exams .
sir i am civil engineering 3rd year student.which books are best for the design of steel structures and transportation engineering
i am studing BEcivil . become a good engg. what can i do?