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New Civil Engineering Topics

Why our cities are flooding?

Materials Engineer, Roorkee

Many cities tend to expand, changing their original land and waterscapes so they become prone to flooding.

1. Over population

In 1947 India’s population was 34 crores, now in 2024 India population is 144.2 crores increasing at the rate of 3.5 crore per year. China present population is 142.5 crore and they have controlled their population.

The land area of India is 3.3 million and China 9.6 million Our population is more than China but our land area is about 37 percent of China land area . One of route cause of our problems is overpopulation. Our land and environment can hold only a limited population.

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Types of Loads on Buildings

Analysis of structures is important for safe design and serviceability to resist loads coming from various sources. These loads re taken into account while designing so that the building does not fail under the application of these loads. These loads may be in the form of uniformly distributed load, concentrated load, triangular load and so on. All these have various points of application and so the center of mass is to be detected for making the calculations easy in every aspect. For example, in seismic zones, the earthquake load plays an important role which is to be considered in seismic analysis. Similarly, in some areas wind is the predominant force and it imposes load on the building which needs to be analysed before any disaster strikes. All these loads create a significant impact in performing structural analysis and any slight calculation mistakes can create life threatening situations.

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World’s first 3D Printed Steel Bridge in Amsterdam

This is a 3D-printed steel bridge that was opened to the public in Amsterdam in July 2021. The bridge was developed by a Dutch Robotics Company named MX3D, in collaboration with a consortium of experts. The bridge will represent a major milestone for 3D printing technology.

Fig 1: The first 3D printed steel bridge unveiled in Amsterdam
Fig 1: The first 3D printed steel bridge unveiled in Amsterdam

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Construction & Management of Underground Structure with Scheduling & Estimation

Mr. S.L. Ghorpade
Under the guidance of Prof. A.B. Shendge
Dattakala Group of Institutions Faculty of Engineering, Swami – Chincholi (Bhigwan).

Abstract- The construction of tunnel is important for different purposes. They can be constructed for railways, roadways, pedestrian footways and can be built in hard rock, soft ground, river bed and are also used to convey Hydroelectric power, water stream, or as a sewer. The construction of Diversion Tunnel, Pressure Shaft, and Tailrace Tunnel to convey water is considered in this project. To identify Scheduling of different activities by various methods Network Diagram, C.P.M., P.E.R.T. and their cycle time is calculated. Scheduling for different activity is carried out with the help of Network Diagram & Primavera Software will be carried out in a project stage II. Study of Estimation for a Diversion Tunnel, Pressure Shaft, and Tailrace Tunnel by both methods. Excavation in heading and benching, Rock bolt support work, lining work is considered for cycle time and cost estimation calculation in Diversion Tunnel, Pressure Shaft, and Tailrace Tunnel. Estimation is also carried out by two methods. The comparison of two methods adopted for excavation work and estimation will be carried out in a project stage II.

Keywords- Scheduling, C.P.M., P.E.R.T., Gantt chart, Network Diagram, Estimation, Heading, Benching, Cycle time, Lining, Rock Bolts, Diversion Tunnel, Pressure Shaft, Tailrace Tunnel.

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Measurement of Air Content in Concrete

Even though concrete is one of the most durable building materials, its strength and durability can be affected by many things over time. The amount of air in the mix may be the hardest to control out of all these things. Having air in concrete is important to keep projects inside and out from going wrong. Even when air entrainers and detainers are used at the batch plant, loads are rejected on the job site because there is too much or not enough air. Knowing what can change the amount of air in a mix while it is in transit can help ready-mix operators make sure their mixes meet job requirements.

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What Is Tuckpointing in Masonry?

Mortar is important for residential and commercial brick buildings because it holds the bricks together and acts as a seal to keep water and moisture from getting inside the walls. It’s also a nice-looking divider that goes around each brick. Unluckily, the mortar is the weakest part of a brick wall. Years of weathering, weight, temperature, and moisture can cause the mortar to wear down and crack. When the mortar is lost, it affects the wall’s ability to hold together, and the bricks no longer fit together neatly. Tuckpointing is the process professionals use to fix and strengthen the joints between the bricks.

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What is Ready Mix Concrete?

In the 21st century, everything has started to speed up, even in the construction industry too. The construction activities are speeding up by replacing the manual works with automatic machines. Likewise, in cement mixing, too, there has been rapid development. Instead of mixing on-site, a ready-to-use cement mix is being on the site so that no time is wasted in proportioning the cement to the desired strength.

Instead of on a job site, ready-mix concrete is made in a plant according to a predetermined mix design. Manufacturers mix sand, gravel, cement, and water depending on the project requirements before delivering the mixture to the site.

There are three types of ready-mix concrete: transit-mix concrete, central mixed concrete, and shrink-mix concrete.

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Types of CAD Softwares used by Civil Engineers

Computer-Aided Design Software or CAD is used to create, analyze, modify, or stimulate for optimizing design. Architects, engineers, and designers use it to create or modify designs in 2D or 3D that was impossible to be exhibited on paper. It transforms designs into codes that are understandable by the computer, resulting in viewing a designed object from various perspectives.

Different companies use different CAD software versions to carry out desired results for the company’s standards. CAD offers expandable features that can be used by companies working in various fields. This software facilitates conversion from design to construction process. Because of low-cost development and less time consumption, this software is gaining traction. Some of such software that is used in various industries shall be discussed here in details.
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Recently Added Topics

Civil Engineering Branches

About Civil Engineering

Engineering is a term applied to the profession in which a knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences, gained by study, experience, and practice, is applied to the efficient use of the materials and forces of nature. Engineers are the ones who have received professional training in pure and applied science. Before the middle of the 18th century, large-scale construction work was usually placed in the hands of military engineers. Military engineering involved such work as the preparation of topographical maps, the location, design, and construction of roads and bridges; and the building of forts and docks; see Military Engineering below. In the 18th century, however, the term civil engineering came into use to describe engineering work that was performed by civilians for nonmilitary purposes.

Civil engineering is the broadest of the engineering fields. Civil engineering focuses on the infrastructure of the world which include Waterworks, Sewers, Dams, Power Plants, Transmission Towers/Lines, Railroads, Highways, Bridges, Tunnels, Irrigation Canals, River Navigation, Shipping Canals, Traffic Control, Mass Transit, Airport Runways, Terminals, Industrial Plant Buildings, Skyscrapers, etc. Among the important subdivisions of the field are construction engineering, irrigation engineering, transportation engineering, soils and foundation engineering, geodetic engineering, hydraulic engineering, and coastal and ocean engineering.

Civil engineers build the world’s infrastructure. In doing so, they quietly shape the history of nations around the world. Most people can not imagine life without the many contributions of civil engineers to the public’s health, safety and standard of living. Only by exploring civil engineering’s influence in shaping the world we know today, can we creatively envision the progress of our tomorrows.

Civil Engineering

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Civil Engineering Universities/Events


3,821 comments on "Civil Engineering Home"

ravi says:

sir, what are the subjects in the civil engineering

admin says:

With reference to comment by Mr Raviteja on this website here are the Specialization in Civil Engineering

There are seven major disciplines within civil engineering that are closely interrelated:


As a structural engineer, you will face the challenge of designing structures that support their own weight and the loads they carry, and that resist wind, temperature, earthquake, and many other forces. Bridges, buildings, offshore structures, space platforms, amusement park rides, and many other kinds of projects are included within this exciting discipline. You will develop the appropriate combination of steel, concrete, timber, plastic, and new exotic materials. You will do
the planning and design, as well as visit the project site to make sure the work is done properly.


The skills of environmental engineers are becoming increasingly important as we attempt to protect the fragile resources of our planet. Environmental engineers translate physical, chemical, and biological processes into systems to destroy toxic substances, remove pollutants
from water, reduce non-hazardous solid waste volumes, eliminate contaminates from the air,
and develop groundwater supplies. In this field, you may be called upon to resolve issues of
providing safe drinking water, cleaning up sites contaminated with hazardous materials,
disposing of wastewater, and managing solid wastes.


Geotechnical engineering is required in all aspects of civil engineering, because most projects
are supported by the ground. As a geotechnical engineer, you might develop projects below
ground, such as tunnels, foundations, and offshore platforms. You will analyze the properties
of soil and rock that support and affect the behavior of these structures. You may evaluate the
potential settlements of buildings, the stability of slopes and fills, the seepage of ground water
and the effects of earthquakes. You will investigate the rocks and soils at a project site and
determine the best way to support a structure in the ground. You may also take part in the
design and construction of dams, embankments, and retaining walls.

Water Resources

Water is essential to our lives, and as a water resources engineer, you will deal with issueconcerning the quality and quantity of water. You will work to prevent floods, to supply water for cities, industry, and irrigation, to treat wastewater, to protect beaches, or to manage and redirect rivers. You might be involved in the design, construction, or maintenance of
hydroelectric power facilities, canals, dams, pipelines, pumping stations, locks, or seaport facilities.


Because the quality of a community I directly related to the quality of its transportation system,
your function as a transportation engineer will be to move people, good, and materials safely
and efficiently. Your challenge will be to find ways to meet our ever-increasing travel needs on
land, air, and sea. You will design, construct, and maintain all types of transportation facilities,
including highways, railroads, airfields, and ports. An important part of transportation
engineering is to upgrade our transportation capability by improving traffic control and mass
transit systems, and by introducing high-speed trains, people movers, and other new
transportation methods.


As a construction engineer, you are the builder of our future. The construction phase of a project represents the first tangible result of design. Using your technical and management skills will allow you to turn designs into reality – on time and within budget. You will apply your knowledge of construction methods and equipment, along with the principles of financing, planning, and managing, to turn the designs of other engineers into successful projects.

radhika sharma says:

i have civil….in which area should i try as i am a girl

Masaud Akhter says:

well as i think you should select the branch which you like the matter if you are girl or boy… civil engineering fields are all practical and site related .whether it is structure side or enviromental,geotech etc… but one thing if you dont want to work in the field you should learn softwares you can work on softwares and design structure in your home or office with minimum touch with site

santhi says:

Hai radhika sister I am a student in iiit i phase some problem please give any suggestion to me

Munawar says:

What is B.Tech and the difference between eng. and

vksharma says:

u may try for Material Testing Laboratories (Q.A/Q.C Engineer) good scope, if u hav deep knowledge of Designing nd can worked with Auto-Cad, StaadPro or Primavera then may go with them.

gollababu says:

please give a brief descryption about civil engineering

admin says:

You can refer to the homepage of this website, thats all about civil engineering only:)

meena says:

gollababu you have to select ece are good at study i are select ece group in rgukt.

Naga kumari says:

Sir,Is it suitable for girls? I want to take a branch civil engineering. Please suggests me.

Ravi Verma says:

It is. preferably as long as you opt as design engineer.Else it is survival of the fittest in field work. Real tough on large scale projects.

Sina says:

it is not matter whether u r girl or is all about geometry and math and handling with hard condition.

shalna says:

sir, please tell me the uses of Civil Engineering in briefly?

Naga kumari says:

Could you tell me the applications of civil engineering?

Jacob Carter says:

I’m studying Civil Engineering and would like to become a Structural Engineer. Do you have any tips?

bhanu says:

Sir ,i am poor in physics and maths.But i am interested in civil engineer. So can i take this group.Give me suggestions.

vikz says:

no body is pur in anythin…… jus make an interest … try ta learn more what is it actually….. no subjects is tough or hard . jus try ta relate that in ur own life…. so simple……………… it is……..

vijay says:

no problem if you are interest in civil go for it…

meena says:

sir please tell me. civil engineering is a good branch or badbranch?

vikz says:

nuttin is bad…. all is good.. . ya only gotta think wide … it may be civil or mechanical or EEE….. think world and go get ready fo da process…….. i can only say this planet need peace.( greenary , freshness, ) think big… all da best….

vksharma says:

No branches r good or Bad, it depends upon ur calibrety – civil engg. is a Field Type Ruff-n-Tuff job, job full of adventures, full of practical problems & solutions, full of Tentions- works under Deadline stressess.
mostly suitable for guys.. but many other fields like Architectures, Auto-Cad, Designing and may b Material Testing in Laboratories jobs r also there …

Sowjanya says:

Sir, I have lot of interest in civil engineering. I want to serve my country by this way. But I afraid of maths,could you suggest me that how to improve my skills in maths and what topics of the maths involved in this civil engineering?

vikz says:

no maths den no engineerin…… engineerin is nuttin but buildin….. n fo buildin ya need a help of maths…. so learn how much ya can…. practise is wot make ya best……. best maths best engineer……..

rajeswari says:

Sir, tell me the which specilization in civil engineering suitable for girls? That will give more future for to me

unni says:

Dear Rajeswari, If you are ready to do some hard work and patience to work with computer for long hours,it is better to take structural engg as your specialised subject.

Sneha says:

i have completed my B.E-Civil in the year 2008 and am working as an A.E in one of the consulting firm till date and i am interested to pursue M.E/M.Tech in Highways or in construcion management or in concrete technology or in environmental or in traffic and transportation through distance education.
i need recognised institution to pursue my P.G and i beg you kindly send me the details for the same.
And if not possible atleast i wish to do civil engineering software courses during sundays in Bangalore and for this i need training institutes which train employees or professionals. so please find me the details and do the needful.

haseena says:

Sir!Could you tell me about transportation engineering?Is it suitable specialization for girls?


can u tell me some good universites abroad for post graduation in civil engineering.

srinivas says:


I want to know about civil engineering and its importance.
what are the job opportunities for civil engineering? tell me very soon sir.

Nehru.K says:

Hi sirs,
Wiahes. Now a days tower construction & substation projects also handling by the Construction industries …Please incorporate the details of the SUb station & Transmission lines. And also provide the details of Puller machines, Cable locater,winch machines, Oil filtering machine…these all are also in Civil engineering construction fiels …i’l expect the details soon….
Thanks & Regards ….K.NEHRU

hina says:

hi,my question from everyone..iam student of BE civil we are 3 girls in class out off 85…boys says why u come in this field(civil) this iz only for boy…….?? is they wrong or wrihgt??????

admin says:

Yes its male dominant but if you have the will you have the way….

Mohammad Tasawar Riaz says:

Hi Hina,
I m Tasawar civil Engineer.According to my experience civil engineering job for girls is suitable only in office like (designing,Estimation work etc).And for girls so difficulties on site like labor control& a lot of other issues.
So u work hard not need to worry best of luck.

Sai Kiran says:

Dear sir….

Iam doing my 4th year btech in Civil Engg and i opt for structures in my project..

Please give information about btech level projects on structures…i mean which one will be

better and has a good scope…

luvli says:

tnx a lot po s mga things about civil engineering….because of this.,i know dat civil engineering is the best major i really want!!!super duper haha i want 2 be successful in this field!!!aja GOGOGO

samar says:

sir iam civil surveor iam intrusted in civil engineerig how can I complete this and i am working in a companey as a surveyor thanks

suman says:

sir,i m joining btech civil engrng in nit,jamshedpur dis year.can u please tell me dat is dere any mba course oriented towards civil engineering which i can pursue after my btech??
i m gud in computer too.
thank you.

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