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New Civil Engineering Topics

Why our cities are flooding?

Materials Engineer, Roorkee

Many cities tend to expand, changing their original land and waterscapes so they become prone to flooding.

1. Over population

In 1947 India’s population was 34 crores, now in 2024 India population is 144.2 crores increasing at the rate of 3.5 crore per year. China present population is 142.5 crore and they have controlled their population.

The land area of India is 3.3 million and China 9.6 million Our population is more than China but our land area is about 37 percent of China land area . One of route cause of our problems is overpopulation. Our land and environment can hold only a limited population.

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Types of Loads on Buildings

Analysis of structures is important for safe design and serviceability to resist loads coming from various sources. These loads re taken into account while designing so that the building does not fail under the application of these loads. These loads may be in the form of uniformly distributed load, concentrated load, triangular load and so on. All these have various points of application and so the center of mass is to be detected for making the calculations easy in every aspect. For example, in seismic zones, the earthquake load plays an important role which is to be considered in seismic analysis. Similarly, in some areas wind is the predominant force and it imposes load on the building which needs to be analysed before any disaster strikes. All these loads create a significant impact in performing structural analysis and any slight calculation mistakes can create life threatening situations.

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World’s first 3D Printed Steel Bridge in Amsterdam

This is a 3D-printed steel bridge that was opened to the public in Amsterdam in July 2021. The bridge was developed by a Dutch Robotics Company named MX3D, in collaboration with a consortium of experts. The bridge will represent a major milestone for 3D printing technology.

Fig 1: The first 3D printed steel bridge unveiled in Amsterdam
Fig 1: The first 3D printed steel bridge unveiled in Amsterdam

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Construction & Management of Underground Structure with Scheduling & Estimation

Mr. S.L. Ghorpade
Under the guidance of Prof. A.B. Shendge
Dattakala Group of Institutions Faculty of Engineering, Swami – Chincholi (Bhigwan).

Abstract- The construction of tunnel is important for different purposes. They can be constructed for railways, roadways, pedestrian footways and can be built in hard rock, soft ground, river bed and are also used to convey Hydroelectric power, water stream, or as a sewer. The construction of Diversion Tunnel, Pressure Shaft, and Tailrace Tunnel to convey water is considered in this project. To identify Scheduling of different activities by various methods Network Diagram, C.P.M., P.E.R.T. and their cycle time is calculated. Scheduling for different activity is carried out with the help of Network Diagram & Primavera Software will be carried out in a project stage II. Study of Estimation for a Diversion Tunnel, Pressure Shaft, and Tailrace Tunnel by both methods. Excavation in heading and benching, Rock bolt support work, lining work is considered for cycle time and cost estimation calculation in Diversion Tunnel, Pressure Shaft, and Tailrace Tunnel. Estimation is also carried out by two methods. The comparison of two methods adopted for excavation work and estimation will be carried out in a project stage II.

Keywords- Scheduling, C.P.M., P.E.R.T., Gantt chart, Network Diagram, Estimation, Heading, Benching, Cycle time, Lining, Rock Bolts, Diversion Tunnel, Pressure Shaft, Tailrace Tunnel.

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Measurement of Air Content in Concrete

Even though concrete is one of the most durable building materials, its strength and durability can be affected by many things over time. The amount of air in the mix may be the hardest to control out of all these things. Having air in concrete is important to keep projects inside and out from going wrong. Even when air entrainers and detainers are used at the batch plant, loads are rejected on the job site because there is too much or not enough air. Knowing what can change the amount of air in a mix while it is in transit can help ready-mix operators make sure their mixes meet job requirements.

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What Is Tuckpointing in Masonry?

Mortar is important for residential and commercial brick buildings because it holds the bricks together and acts as a seal to keep water and moisture from getting inside the walls. It’s also a nice-looking divider that goes around each brick. Unluckily, the mortar is the weakest part of a brick wall. Years of weathering, weight, temperature, and moisture can cause the mortar to wear down and crack. When the mortar is lost, it affects the wall’s ability to hold together, and the bricks no longer fit together neatly. Tuckpointing is the process professionals use to fix and strengthen the joints between the bricks.

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What is Ready Mix Concrete?

In the 21st century, everything has started to speed up, even in the construction industry too. The construction activities are speeding up by replacing the manual works with automatic machines. Likewise, in cement mixing, too, there has been rapid development. Instead of mixing on-site, a ready-to-use cement mix is being on the site so that no time is wasted in proportioning the cement to the desired strength.

Instead of on a job site, ready-mix concrete is made in a plant according to a predetermined mix design. Manufacturers mix sand, gravel, cement, and water depending on the project requirements before delivering the mixture to the site.

There are three types of ready-mix concrete: transit-mix concrete, central mixed concrete, and shrink-mix concrete.

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Types of CAD Softwares used by Civil Engineers

Computer-Aided Design Software or CAD is used to create, analyze, modify, or stimulate for optimizing design. Architects, engineers, and designers use it to create or modify designs in 2D or 3D that was impossible to be exhibited on paper. It transforms designs into codes that are understandable by the computer, resulting in viewing a designed object from various perspectives.

Different companies use different CAD software versions to carry out desired results for the company’s standards. CAD offers expandable features that can be used by companies working in various fields. This software facilitates conversion from design to construction process. Because of low-cost development and less time consumption, this software is gaining traction. Some of such software that is used in various industries shall be discussed here in details.
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Civil Engineering Branches

About Civil Engineering

Engineering is a term applied to the profession in which a knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences, gained by study, experience, and practice, is applied to the efficient use of the materials and forces of nature. Engineers are the ones who have received professional training in pure and applied science. Before the middle of the 18th century, large-scale construction work was usually placed in the hands of military engineers. Military engineering involved such work as the preparation of topographical maps, the location, design, and construction of roads and bridges; and the building of forts and docks; see Military Engineering below. In the 18th century, however, the term civil engineering came into use to describe engineering work that was performed by civilians for nonmilitary purposes.

Civil engineering is the broadest of the engineering fields. Civil engineering focuses on the infrastructure of the world which include Waterworks, Sewers, Dams, Power Plants, Transmission Towers/Lines, Railroads, Highways, Bridges, Tunnels, Irrigation Canals, River Navigation, Shipping Canals, Traffic Control, Mass Transit, Airport Runways, Terminals, Industrial Plant Buildings, Skyscrapers, etc. Among the important subdivisions of the field are construction engineering, irrigation engineering, transportation engineering, soils and foundation engineering, geodetic engineering, hydraulic engineering, and coastal and ocean engineering.

Civil engineers build the world’s infrastructure. In doing so, they quietly shape the history of nations around the world. Most people can not imagine life without the many contributions of civil engineers to the public’s health, safety and standard of living. Only by exploring civil engineering’s influence in shaping the world we know today, can we creatively envision the progress of our tomorrows.

Civil Engineering

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3,823 comments on "Civil Engineering Home"

Ravinder Malik says:

Very Very Happy new year to all of you. I am doing Building & quantity Surveying from The Institution of Surveyors, New Delhi. Can you tell me after doing this i am able to do ME/M.Tech?

vinod mahindru says:

this is best trade as a time

Ratan Kumar Dandriyal says:

What if Graded Granular Aggregates to be used for sub base in Road crust is replaced for Cement Concrete by adding require volumetric quantum of cement for Plum Concrete.

Alok Kumar Jha says:

before putting this quarry you should know the role of GSB in Road-Crust and it is as follow:
1) It acts as a drainage layer and this porpose is not full filled by your option
2)As GSB is well graded,it shows elastic property and play an important role in stress distribution.
3)The source of water in pavements is atmospheric precipitation. This water can enter the pavement through several ways (e.g., cracks, infiltration, through shoulders and ditches, high groundwater) and is moved by an energy gradient, such as gravity,and capillary forces.
The free water can be removed by draining vertically through the subgrade or laterally through a drainage layer.
Hence we canot replace GSB as per your advice.


Hi, sir,madam this is venu. i am diploma student so i want project work which suitable for dipoma pease tell me im waiting for ur mails

kaushik pande says:

hay venu i am kauhik,i completed my diploma jst last yr frm govt poly nagpur,u can take a project on underground canal-tunnls

Alok Kumar Jha says:

You may take a Project from Highway engineering like Analysis of Flexible Pavement,Use of Polymer modified Bitumen in roads etc.But the most important thing I want to tell you that after Diploma,go for BE because on Diploma basis you can not effectively stand in the market.



kalaiarasan says:

what is the exact meaning for youngs modulus?

suren says:

ratio of the tensile or compressive stress to the corresponding strain

Lokesh says:

Youngs modulus E represents, upto what stage of loading the material(steel..,) remain in elastic limit

jagadish aradhay says:

youngs modulus is ratio of stress to the strain means ………..E=f/e,f=stress, e=strain

kaushik pande says:

its a short name of modulas of elasticity which is ratio of shear stress to shear stain if i am not wrong.sorry if its not right

Tusshar Chandrakant Medade says:

The Young Modulus, E is a material property that describes its stiffness and is therefore one of the most important properties in engineering design.

vinnu says:

slope of the stress strain curve is defined as youngs modulus…its considered constant in the starting it slowly decreases and reaches zero at ultimate strength

viv says:

its ratio of stress to stain……in any elastic material in elastic lmt

anup says:

it is ratio between stress and strain by a force acting on body.

kalaiarasan says:

can any one tell me a super slogan for civil engineering…..

hemanth sai says:

when civil engineering . rests world rusts

r sivaraman says:

civil engineering is the mother of all engineering

vikram syal says:

civil engineers are the engineers of engineers.

jagadish aradhay says:

civil is C=commonsense I=is V=very I=Important in L=Life
East or west civil is the Best………………

shahzada imran says:

please provide full detail estimation and costing of any two storey building if any one have it ..please i have to submit it as a minor project..

jagadish aradhay says:

go through books my dear frnd it good in future ………

Tuan says:

can help me about Curtain wall technical?

abat feten says:

curtain wall as we know as like as precast wall in technical you must take care when you are anchor of each other.

Naveen says:

A structure doundation is failing in overturning, it is already been constructed at site. Can you please help me out to increase the counter wieght to delat with the overturning effect.

jagadish aradhay says:

wat is soil bearing capacity of soil of that site

Abinash says:

soil bearing capacity implies how much thrust soil can withstand.
mathematically is equal to total thrust/Area

soil bearing capacity is a very important property in foundation design.

Naveen Santolia says:

A foundation is alredy constructed at site but while checking it found to be failed in overturning. Please suggest me a solution to increase the counter for dealing with the overturning.

kaushik pande says:

sir i dont knw mch as i m jst diploma pass out n nw in 2nd yr BE bt u can fill slurry in foundation and if possible n if soil is BC dan u can replace it

himatej says:

u can go for raker piles to take that overturning moment

vikram syal says:

JAi hind frnds. i want to bring a book of concreate tech. plz tell me good name of the author.

Puran Katariya says:

MS Shetty

sairam says:

m.s. shetti is the best for concrete is easy to understand and very stuffed one.

Abinash says:

newly published Design of concrete Str , By JN Bandopadya

satyanarayana says:

it is the mother of the all engineering branches

gerald says:

pleas give me topic in research paper that involve civil engineering works..

liphin says:

what is the xact meaning of shear??

sairam says:

in one word shear means unbalancced force, this unbalanced force results in peculiar behaviour of beams….
which indeed results in bending ,deflection,some times it leads to failure of structure.

jagadish aradhay says:

shear means in common language “Twisting” and if u want more about shear pls refer SS bhavikati SOM text book

Puran Katariya says:

What can be the effect of casting plinth beam after three months of casting supporting column, in case adhesive chemicals would not have applied on vertical surface of column beam junction. The plinth beam is constructed after constructing the column above plinth level keeping dowels for plinth beam.

jagadish aradhay says:

see that is not the correct way ……. concrete is a homogeneous material first we want to caste the plinth beam ….bec it act like tie to the hole structure and the structure become earth quake resistance structure ……….. suppose from ur side first ur casting supporting column after that ur gong to caste plinth beam ……. it s bad to the structure bec its not bond properly b/w plinth beam and supporting column

islam baloch says:

sir…i want to civil engineering.i from pakistan…i want to do civil engineering from abroad..which university will be suitable for me …it shouldnot be to much expensive….thanks waitng for ur positive reply

Rao Siddique says:

i think you must do civil engineering from Pakistan…….

kaushik pande says:

structure that is the frame will not act as one if u use such ways

Asif khan says:

Please give me the full procedure with formulae for RCC design of 10 storey residential building

Abinash says:

RCC DESIGN is a broad term consists
column design
slab design
foundation design
L beam
T beam
1 way 2 way beams….
Reference code IS 456 : 2000
i use book JN Bandopadhya , very simply all above are explained, u can use that

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