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New Civil Engineering Topics

Why our cities are flooding?

Materials Engineer, Roorkee

Many cities tend to expand, changing their original land and waterscapes so they become prone to flooding.

1. Over population

In 1947 India’s population was 34 crores, now in 2024 India population is 144.2 crores increasing at the rate of 3.5 crore per year. China present population is 142.5 crore and they have controlled their population.

The land area of India is 3.3 million and China 9.6 million Our population is more than China but our land area is about 37 percent of China land area . One of route cause of our problems is overpopulation. Our land and environment can hold only a limited population.

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Types of Loads on Buildings

Analysis of structures is important for safe design and serviceability to resist loads coming from various sources. These loads re taken into account while designing so that the building does not fail under the application of these loads. These loads may be in the form of uniformly distributed load, concentrated load, triangular load and so on. All these have various points of application and so the center of mass is to be detected for making the calculations easy in every aspect. For example, in seismic zones, the earthquake load plays an important role which is to be considered in seismic analysis. Similarly, in some areas wind is the predominant force and it imposes load on the building which needs to be analysed before any disaster strikes. All these loads create a significant impact in performing structural analysis and any slight calculation mistakes can create life threatening situations.

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World’s first 3D Printed Steel Bridge in Amsterdam

This is a 3D-printed steel bridge that was opened to the public in Amsterdam in July 2021. The bridge was developed by a Dutch Robotics Company named MX3D, in collaboration with a consortium of experts. The bridge will represent a major milestone for 3D printing technology.

Fig 1: The first 3D printed steel bridge unveiled in Amsterdam
Fig 1: The first 3D printed steel bridge unveiled in Amsterdam

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Construction & Management of Underground Structure with Scheduling & Estimation

Mr. S.L. Ghorpade
Under the guidance of Prof. A.B. Shendge
Dattakala Group of Institutions Faculty of Engineering, Swami – Chincholi (Bhigwan).

Abstract- The construction of tunnel is important for different purposes. They can be constructed for railways, roadways, pedestrian footways and can be built in hard rock, soft ground, river bed and are also used to convey Hydroelectric power, water stream, or as a sewer. The construction of Diversion Tunnel, Pressure Shaft, and Tailrace Tunnel to convey water is considered in this project. To identify Scheduling of different activities by various methods Network Diagram, C.P.M., P.E.R.T. and their cycle time is calculated. Scheduling for different activity is carried out with the help of Network Diagram & Primavera Software will be carried out in a project stage II. Study of Estimation for a Diversion Tunnel, Pressure Shaft, and Tailrace Tunnel by both methods. Excavation in heading and benching, Rock bolt support work, lining work is considered for cycle time and cost estimation calculation in Diversion Tunnel, Pressure Shaft, and Tailrace Tunnel. Estimation is also carried out by two methods. The comparison of two methods adopted for excavation work and estimation will be carried out in a project stage II.

Keywords- Scheduling, C.P.M., P.E.R.T., Gantt chart, Network Diagram, Estimation, Heading, Benching, Cycle time, Lining, Rock Bolts, Diversion Tunnel, Pressure Shaft, Tailrace Tunnel.

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Measurement of Air Content in Concrete

Even though concrete is one of the most durable building materials, its strength and durability can be affected by many things over time. The amount of air in the mix may be the hardest to control out of all these things. Having air in concrete is important to keep projects inside and out from going wrong. Even when air entrainers and detainers are used at the batch plant, loads are rejected on the job site because there is too much or not enough air. Knowing what can change the amount of air in a mix while it is in transit can help ready-mix operators make sure their mixes meet job requirements.

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What Is Tuckpointing in Masonry?

Mortar is important for residential and commercial brick buildings because it holds the bricks together and acts as a seal to keep water and moisture from getting inside the walls. It’s also a nice-looking divider that goes around each brick. Unluckily, the mortar is the weakest part of a brick wall. Years of weathering, weight, temperature, and moisture can cause the mortar to wear down and crack. When the mortar is lost, it affects the wall’s ability to hold together, and the bricks no longer fit together neatly. Tuckpointing is the process professionals use to fix and strengthen the joints between the bricks.

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What is Ready Mix Concrete?

In the 21st century, everything has started to speed up, even in the construction industry too. The construction activities are speeding up by replacing the manual works with automatic machines. Likewise, in cement mixing, too, there has been rapid development. Instead of mixing on-site, a ready-to-use cement mix is being on the site so that no time is wasted in proportioning the cement to the desired strength.

Instead of on a job site, ready-mix concrete is made in a plant according to a predetermined mix design. Manufacturers mix sand, gravel, cement, and water depending on the project requirements before delivering the mixture to the site.

There are three types of ready-mix concrete: transit-mix concrete, central mixed concrete, and shrink-mix concrete.

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Types of CAD Softwares used by Civil Engineers

Computer-Aided Design Software or CAD is used to create, analyze, modify, or stimulate for optimizing design. Architects, engineers, and designers use it to create or modify designs in 2D or 3D that was impossible to be exhibited on paper. It transforms designs into codes that are understandable by the computer, resulting in viewing a designed object from various perspectives.

Different companies use different CAD software versions to carry out desired results for the company’s standards. CAD offers expandable features that can be used by companies working in various fields. This software facilitates conversion from design to construction process. Because of low-cost development and less time consumption, this software is gaining traction. Some of such software that is used in various industries shall be discussed here in details.
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Recently Added Topics

Civil Engineering Branches

About Civil Engineering

Engineering is a term applied to the profession in which a knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences, gained by study, experience, and practice, is applied to the efficient use of the materials and forces of nature. Engineers are the ones who have received professional training in pure and applied science. Before the middle of the 18th century, large-scale construction work was usually placed in the hands of military engineers. Military engineering involved such work as the preparation of topographical maps, the location, design, and construction of roads and bridges; and the building of forts and docks; see Military Engineering below. In the 18th century, however, the term civil engineering came into use to describe engineering work that was performed by civilians for nonmilitary purposes.

Civil engineering is the broadest of the engineering fields. Civil engineering focuses on the infrastructure of the world which include Waterworks, Sewers, Dams, Power Plants, Transmission Towers/Lines, Railroads, Highways, Bridges, Tunnels, Irrigation Canals, River Navigation, Shipping Canals, Traffic Control, Mass Transit, Airport Runways, Terminals, Industrial Plant Buildings, Skyscrapers, etc. Among the important subdivisions of the field are construction engineering, irrigation engineering, transportation engineering, soils and foundation engineering, geodetic engineering, hydraulic engineering, and coastal and ocean engineering.

Civil engineers build the world’s infrastructure. In doing so, they quietly shape the history of nations around the world. Most people can not imagine life without the many contributions of civil engineers to the public’s health, safety and standard of living. Only by exploring civil engineering’s influence in shaping the world we know today, can we creatively envision the progress of our tomorrows.

Civil Engineering

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Civil Engineering Universities/Events


3,823 comments on "Civil Engineering Home"

i.krishna chaitanya says:

what are the communities of civil engg?? i want to join..


what is remoulding. please give me the procedure how it will be done.

shobhana bhargav b. says:

what is the advantages of light weight structure?

Abinash says:

light weight advantages

1. Less dead weight on the underlying structure
2.Less moment due to less mass
3.Easy workability
4.Ease of Redesign

r sivaraman says:

the advantages are:
the dimensions of structural members could be smaller.
we can probably build one more floor due to reduced overall weight
overall resuction in the cost of construction as apparantly less materials would be used

Atul Pant says:

Products can be made lighter while maintaining the same performance in strength. Lighter materials result in better fuel efficiency and greater manoeuvrability. Less material also results in reduced manufacturing costs which is crucial in order to remain competitive.

Atul Pant says:

dear it is economical as well as decrease the dead load of the structures on ground surface………..

Atul Pant says:

It is well known that buildings consume almost half of the delivered energy. Space and water heating, cooling, ventilation and lighting are the main energy consumers in buildings. Having in mind that buildings have a significant impact towards the environment, the need to assess the energy efficiency in buildings tends to be essential. In order to assess energy efficiency in buildings the study of the correlation between construction and energy consumption is critical. This involves the study of lightweight and heavyweight construction in conjunction with the strategies and techniques that are used for cooling, heating and ventilation in order to reduce energy consumption. Since the effectiveness of the above strategies is related to the thermal mass of the building, the selection of the construction type is crucial. Considering that each type of construction has advantages and disadvantages in terms of energy efficiency, it is difficult to indicate which type of construction is likely to be more effective. Nevertheless, energy efficiency may be achievable when the advantages of both types of construction are …exploited. Due to the fact that the mass of the structure has little effect to the performance of the thermal mass and considering the significant effect of the internal finishes, it is important to focus on the latter. Consequently, a lightweight structure combined with heavyweight internal finishes may be the most suitable approach in terms of energy efficiency.

Furthermore, the incorporation of thermal mass in the internal finishes of the building along with the appropriate placing of the thermal mass, results in a thermally heavyweight performance. However, special consideration should be given to avoid excess use of thermal mass, otherwise there is a risk that the building will tend to be a heavyweight construction. Additionally, a 50mm thick slab is enough to meet the conditions to maintain the thermal inertia of the building. Eventually, exposed and extended surface area, which contributes in the heat exchange with the environment, has to be considered along with the above. This approach not only meets the requirements for energy efficiency but it also involves the use of lightweight materials that have a low impact towards the environment.

boopathi says:

1.To reduce the self weight of structure,
2.The structure should be economical,
3.Easy to handle the materials


You create sky-scrapers whose weight at foundation level is very high, that is reduced by light weight structure, and finally cast of structure is reduced.

D.Madhuri says:

hi sir am Madhuri.can anyone of u suggest me a topic for doing mini project…i want to do something new and plz sugget me a topic..

N.Chidambaram says:

Hi I am doing B.E.Civil in TN. The project that I would like to do in the future is “………” because I am studing only 2nd year now. soon I will reply you if get any idea.

jagadish aradhay says:

nano concrete

Abinash says:

mini projects
1. analysis of present traffic density and drawbacks and how to improve at your local street
2.Analysis of structure design of any of 7 wonders
3.your dream Building , EArth quake proof , flood proof , fire resistant

rakesh says:

Self Curing Concrete

Gaurav Chaudhary says:

Are going to do mini project i want t suggest you the topic
Sewer Likage …. including Water Value in Human Life……


mam why cant u do villas and duplex houses which will be easy to do with morden facility,or Refurbishing work for any insurance company.All the best.

r sivaraman says:

you may choose ‘nano technology in water proofing the structures’. even today, this is the ever leaking and never lasting problem in our construction. considering the pace in which the construction is happening today and considering the skill set of workers, this could be the fitting topic

Atul Pant says:

yes miss you can choose the topic of nuclear power project but it is big dear…………….

himatej says:

Hi Madhuri,

if u r interested in structures, u can develop a tool in excel using macros for the design of any structural elements like piles, beams , slab , retaining walls etc..

shashikanth says:

why dont u do the comparision of the civil engineering from the olden days to the current situation i.e., all the changes and developments that had taken place so far. As of my knowledge it is the best and very creative topic.

boopathi says:

Nano technology in concrete, light weight concrete, design of structure,

Daya Shankar says:

Madhuri you decide what is your area of interest that is mandatory for any type project as you know Civil Engineering consists of different branches which are some time not even inter related,than only you can work very comfortably.

Rao Siddique says:

I am the student of undergraduate and doing civil engineering………..I want to do some project regarding structural engineering………So please suggest me the project so that i can increase my knowledge in my chosen field……


Dear friend you can Design an Building structure using any software, including planing and drawing work also.

Daya Shankar says:

Dear Siddique
Very good you have been identified your are of interest. Now you can have structural dynamics (Earthquake Engg) Structural design (Steel & concrete) new design techniques like Performance based design , design of high raise building under cyclones ,Retrofitting of old structure by mean of composite material, Effect of higher mode vibration.These are the areas you can work.

naresh kumar says:

wat is the meaning of shear and pls explain breifly

M C Vats says:

Relative Transverse movement of material caused by applied force at a point

K.S says:

Shear force at a section ,such that the portion to the right of the section slides up wards with respect to the left of the section are +ve and vice versa.

vipul says:

dear naresh,
shear means when one surface moves relevent to another surface on that time the force occur is shear force…..

Samdish Nirankari says:

I am a 2nd year student in civil engineering at IIT Roorkee . I want to go for summer internship. Can anyone tell me where I can apply?

Abinash says:

being an IITian , u have a broad platform . u can apply for internship at any institute , can write to the civil engineering faculties , u can collect their email ID from their corresponding websites.

Bansode C.E. says:

Please go for summer internship to the Central Raod Research Institute (CRRI), New Delhi. it wil be your memorable experiance for your life.

Alok Kumar Jha says:

Shear mens to cut some thing vertically along depth by an edge and the stress developed due to this is called shesr stress.
When a beam is loaded by a Point load,shear stress is developed exactly under the Point load and the we do when we draw Shear force diagram for beam encountered by Point loads.

omotosho tobi says:

what does it mean to study building technology in school

Sasee Manodeepan says:

Please let me know the formula to calculate , how much volume of water could be pushed in through an Inlet Opening made of a PVC pipe with an internal Diameter of 100mm

Abinash says:

@sasee Maodeen

using continuity equation A1 V1= A2 V2 , velocity can be known
A=area , V= velocity

if diameter is known.

now for volume one need length of pipe.

dindoguerrero says:

Q=CcAV , Q-discharge in cu.m/sec
Cc= 1.0 for round (contraction coeff)
A =area
V= horizontal velocity

SK Suman says:

Information furnished in website is quite sufficient to handle the engineering works not involving very critical structural details, however it’s quite good to fetch required information and also on Q&A type.

rahul kumar says:

what is well foundation.


well foundation is a type of deep foundation. It is generaly used for bridge like structures, where first of all well foundation is constructed, then a pear is stabliesed over it.

sibusiso sydney matshika says:

your site is wonderful and inspiring, motivative. clear view in terms of civil eng. when do perhaps held conferences. in Gauteng precisely.
thank you.

pawan pandey says:

i am 3rd year student, i wanna organise a civil engieering event in my fest can anyone give me suggesion about events.

ravi jain says:

you can have a event relatd to construction of specified brick masonry in given time . there will be two round . in first round there should be a written in which knowledge building construction should be tested and in second round there should be event of construction of masonry

pawan pandey says:

Thanks for the suggestion.
but i am thinking for a event which is for all engineering brach students not only for civil students..

abhishek tinjani says:

you can organise events such as Concrete cube making & testing its compress. strength, hold paper ppt. on various fields of civil engineering, can hold model making competitions such as buildings & bridges ( create out of waste) & quiz focussing mainly on civil engineering..
here is your Fest..(Abhishek Tinjani, C.E final year)

pawan pandey says:

Thanks for the suggestion.

D.Madhuri says:

u can organise autocad competitions..quiz,treasure hunts etc..

janijaha says:

do the project for inverted beams

Ashok Sharma says:

hello pawan do one thing
call all participation on stage and ask them how they construct the civil engineering wonder’s of the world
suggest and explain the practical way for completing the specific project?
and see the funny and the wonderful ideas to build the dream projects.

r sivaraman says:

emerging trends in sustainable building technologies could be the current theme

Alok Kumar Jha says:

Hi Pawan, I am an Engineering professional and expertise in Quality control of big highway projects from more than 15 years,your interest is quite appreciable.I will suggest you to go for following items:
1)To organise a debate on : to utilise local material for engineering projects OR material should be used as per the requirement of project
2) Quality on the cost of progress VS Progress on the cost of Quality
More Over you may oraganise a House-Plan competition,On a fixed plot area and No. of bed rooms,toilet Hall etc ,tell participants to prepare a house plan,the best plan will be selected and awarded.The selection may be done by Your HOD.
These are some ideas you can opt or inspired from these think another one

vaibhav says:

sir i wana know d correct procedure to analyze portal frames wid side sway

neha says:

i am a civil engineering second year student want to know about the softwares that i need to know also are online courses effective in learning these courses? what else can i do to increase my chances of being recruited?

yash says:

its the best place to acquire knowledge about civil engineering

raja says:

what are the chances of research in Civil Engineering field.??? How to opt for them???

Alok Kumar Jha says:

There are lot of scopes of research and unfortunately most of reaserch works are West-based.Actualy research sould be influenced with Indian context and Indian requirement. For Example Some fields where Immediate research are required are:
a) Low cost houses
b) Since our aggregate-souces are sqeezing fastly so research on artificial aggregates of Fibre/Plastic waste is required
c)Cheap technic to convert salt water in to potable water
d)Alternative to steel in reinforcement
These are some areas where young talent should concentrate.

r sivaraman says:

there are many chances for research in civil engineering. NITs, Anna university (chennai), IITs are the best places

Daya Shankar says:

Dear Raja
I have been all ready mentioned in previous post the basic step of any research work is identification of area of interest so decide yours and go ahead.

Nitin says:

any one suggest me any event related to hydraulics or transportation to be organised in tech fest, it should be feasible and interesting..

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