Mr. S.L. Ghorpade
Under the guidance of Prof. A.B. Shendge
Dattakala Group of Institutions Faculty of Engineering, Swami – Chincholi (Bhigwan).
Abstract- The construction of tunnel is important for different purposes. They can be constructed for railways, roadways, pedestrian footways and can be built in hard rock, soft ground, river bed and are also used to convey Hydroelectric power, water stream, or as a sewer. The construction of Diversion Tunnel, Pressure Shaft, and Tailrace Tunnel to convey water is considered in this project. To identify Scheduling of different activities by various methods Network Diagram, C.P.M., P.E.R.T. and their cycle time is calculated. Scheduling for different activity is carried out with the help of Network Diagram & Primavera Software will be carried out in a project stage II. Study of Estimation for a Diversion Tunnel, Pressure Shaft, and Tailrace Tunnel by both methods. Excavation in heading and benching, Rock bolt support work, lining work is considered for cycle time and cost estimation calculation in Diversion Tunnel, Pressure Shaft, and Tailrace Tunnel. Estimation is also carried out by two methods. The comparison of two methods adopted for excavation work and estimation will be carried out in a project stage II.
Keywords- Scheduling, C.P.M., P.E.R.T., Gantt chart, Network Diagram, Estimation, Heading, Benching, Cycle time, Lining, Rock Bolts, Diversion Tunnel, Pressure Shaft, Tailrace Tunnel.
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I have need help to make a perfact design for constructing R.C.C roof of a bedminton Hall lenth of 77feet & wedth of 42feet at the hight of 50feet.would some one engineer help me?
I am a student of Tripura Institute Of Technology. I am a student of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering.I am studying in 3rd year. I want to make a house which will be free from earthquake attack. The house will be floating in a magnetic field.The floor of the house will not be attached with ground. As in electric motor, the rotor moves in the magnetic field of the stator without touching the stator. Here I will use this technique. The pillars of the house will be attached with the rotor and it will float in the magnetic field. The skeleton of the house will be made of iron. So house will not be connected with the earth. During earth quake stator will go up and down without touching the rotor. Side by side movement is also possible there. The house will short in height. When earthquake will happen the house will swing but not will fall down. As the skeleton of the house will be made with iron, so most of the magnetic lines of force will go through them and the people living in the house will be mostly free from the magnetic effect. So Sir kindly read my project and give your valuable opinion about this project.
Me student too…frm ahasanullah university of science nd technology at dhaka in bangladesh..1st year civilengineering.Dear dipanjana I think so,it will be possible to do…. me too think before about this tropic…maybe load will be the big problem .
please give some information about master of civil engineering in transportation?
I’ll be taking Civil Engineering for college. I’m so excited while reading this… both my parents are Civil Engineers, growing up with people like them I see no course more interesting than this.
Hi all i need some interesting topic for my seminar
please i am in need of materials on ‘deterioration of reinforced concrete structures under combined effect of elevated temperature and humidity’.thanks in anticipation.
Hit Dip Galvanized TMT bars (Galva Rebars) as per Indian Standard 12594 – 1988 can support. The corrosion effect gains speed when there is heavy fluctuation in temperatures. The minor cracks in conrete due to expansion contraction effect makes route for air & moisture to reach to steel. This can be best prevented by use of Hot Dip Galvanized TMT Bars.
am studying B.E.civil. what are the co-curricular activities will i do?
hi frnd. What do i use to correct the void in a concrete slab.
hai friends……i completed my b tech civil in the year of 2010. now i want to do the m tech stractures , i having one year experiance in field work.shall i continu the job or study…which one is good ?
please i am in need of materials on ‘deterioration of reinforced concrete structures under combined effect of elevated temperature and humidity’.thanks in anticipation.
Are septic tank and soak pits legal as per GPCB/CPCB norms for a housing colony with less than 200000 sq. mts of construction area?
I want to know about what is the SBC means Safe Bearing Capacity when we built a box bridges & retaining wall?
how the Various Analysis of R.C.C. & P.C.C. etc. to be made
Sir,I am civil engg.student of 2nd semester in jaipur.
Sir,I am in search of internship near jaipur.
PLS SUGGEST me and what will i have to learn more to get a good internship.
Suggestion are highly appreciable…..!!!!
Do “hemcrete” is really a good finishing mix wherelse it can be used???….please answer me if you know….
hi ilango i just suggest an idea as my brother going to do just do B.E.CIVIL then try MBA
does it have any scope for girls????????????????
yes it has lot of scope for boys as well as girls.Girls who dont want to work as a field engineer can chose the designing or cost estimating stream…….
Yes why not ?
ya definitely . . .you could become a best in designing field , if u’ve learnt all CAD software related to civil
girls are now having more oppotunity that boys. consultancy, PMC , detailing, design, costing…..lot of jobs there. even teaching jobs are available as more colleges are started
am proud to be a civil engineer though am still studying but am happy. we are born to change the world
Dear friends i would like to know about the course which is releted Construction Management consultancy,
Define GSB?
Dear friend i would like to know about the course which is releted environ mental engg. am very proud to be a civil engineer