Mr. S.L. Ghorpade
Under the guidance of Prof. A.B. Shendge
Dattakala Group of Institutions Faculty of Engineering, Swami – Chincholi (Bhigwan).
Abstract- The construction of tunnel is important for different purposes. They can be constructed for railways, roadways, pedestrian footways and can be built in hard rock, soft ground, river bed and are also used to convey Hydroelectric power, water stream, or as a sewer. The construction of Diversion Tunnel, Pressure Shaft, and Tailrace Tunnel to convey water is considered in this project. To identify Scheduling of different activities by various methods Network Diagram, C.P.M., P.E.R.T. and their cycle time is calculated. Scheduling for different activity is carried out with the help of Network Diagram & Primavera Software will be carried out in a project stage II. Study of Estimation for a Diversion Tunnel, Pressure Shaft, and Tailrace Tunnel by both methods. Excavation in heading and benching, Rock bolt support work, lining work is considered for cycle time and cost estimation calculation in Diversion Tunnel, Pressure Shaft, and Tailrace Tunnel. Estimation is also carried out by two methods. The comparison of two methods adopted for excavation work and estimation will be carried out in a project stage II.
Keywords- Scheduling, C.P.M., P.E.R.T., Gantt chart, Network Diagram, Estimation, Heading, Benching, Cycle time, Lining, Rock Bolts, Diversion Tunnel, Pressure Shaft, Tailrace Tunnel.
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I want to know about the code for measuring change in volume of fuel at project site due to temperature gradient.
i want to know what is the difference between diploma civil enginner and civil engineer…i am willing to join but still confused…guyz plz help me
sir, i want to pursue some interesting specialisation under civil.
such as structural engg. but i would like to know more about other divisions under civil
i am in 2nd year civil engg mumbai university
try to explore the geo. and hydro… it is quiet interesting.. it is unusual but its really a spectacular field…
wazzup… uhm…what is the best mixture of concrete when it is submerge in a acidic type of water which contains a high concentrated type of acid…?? thanks in advance…. 🙂
hi… i just want to ask about the in demand field of a civil engineer for my practices in the future…. l know that it has alot of branches, but i want to focus to the in demand branch in the present and in the future….
can anyone tell about principle of virtual work . .
i’ve tried a lot for finding exact definition and related problems . .
But still not found . . pls help , . . .
Virtul work-which work are almost completed all respect except some snag which is attended while completion crtificat.
imagine ur giving a external force to an object..the object moves to a certain position..a virtual displacement occurs,that so workdone is known as virtual work
The exact definition is available in Engineering mechanics (statics) by Beer and Johnston
Hello all,
I have done civil engineering and appreciate the fact that it is a very special course which should be supported to help spur up development in our regions thus offering employment and solutions to problems facing our contries.
i want some new civil engineering topics to give presentation in my collage,, can any one plz sugest me some gud topics
this site is very interesting…!!!
Hello everybody!!
I am cvil engineer by proffession presently employed as Cheif Manager in Power grid Corporation of india(A Govt. of india enterprise). Our company mainly deals in Contruction, Operation and maintenace of EHV transmission lines and sub stations where lots of civil activities are involved. Although I am not involved in day to day activity but still I have to be updated in the matter concerning civil engineering. I request all those who care to help me in keeping me update.
I am doing civil engineering course,and this will help me in my future.Thank You
you can find defination and problems on ‘principal of virtual work’ in book named ‘Indeterminate Structure Analysis’ By ‘J. Sterling Kinney’.
I am giving you definition of principal of virtual work from the book mention above:-
‘If a deformable structure, in equilibrium and sustaining a given load or systm of loads, is subjected to virtual deformation as a result of some additional action, the external virtual work of the given load or system of load is equal to the internal virtual work of the stresses caused by the given load or system of loads.’
Hi I m Nick . I am a civil engineer from Moldova (Europe) . I want very much to get an international work experience . Can anybody help me with this idea ? I am capable to study new things very fast and can work for a moderate salary
iam muhd hassan iam a civil engineer by profession i nead a help on how to carry out a 3 story building analysis thanks
i appreciate d effort of all those who have made this site effective.pls am looking for a job in any continent.I am running bachelors degree in civil engineering.and am the best
this site is very interesting…!!!
Am john paul, i am currently in my 3rd year of civil engineering in malawi. I want 2 go 4 masters after graduating. Anybody to help and i promise to work for his company.
Hello friends ,
The best branch in civil engineering is Road and Bridges transportation Engineering,here you will get more experience as well as more money compare to other branches,Job opportunities are very high easy to get all around the world….So my suggestion is go for road and Bridges
by Project Engineer Prejesh a dinesh ,ALain United Arab Emirates
am proud to be a civil engineer
hi.. i need know about detail retaining wall design please help me… and send me some design exampels