Mr. S.L. Ghorpade
Under the guidance of Prof. A.B. Shendge
Dattakala Group of Institutions Faculty of Engineering, Swami – Chincholi (Bhigwan).
Abstract- The construction of tunnel is important for different purposes. They can be constructed for railways, roadways, pedestrian footways and can be built in hard rock, soft ground, river bed and are also used to convey Hydroelectric power, water stream, or as a sewer. The construction of Diversion Tunnel, Pressure Shaft, and Tailrace Tunnel to convey water is considered in this project. To identify Scheduling of different activities by various methods Network Diagram, C.P.M., P.E.R.T. and their cycle time is calculated. Scheduling for different activity is carried out with the help of Network Diagram & Primavera Software will be carried out in a project stage II. Study of Estimation for a Diversion Tunnel, Pressure Shaft, and Tailrace Tunnel by both methods. Excavation in heading and benching, Rock bolt support work, lining work is considered for cycle time and cost estimation calculation in Diversion Tunnel, Pressure Shaft, and Tailrace Tunnel. Estimation is also carried out by two methods. The comparison of two methods adopted for excavation work and estimation will be carried out in a project stage II.
Keywords- Scheduling, C.P.M., P.E.R.T., Gantt chart, Network Diagram, Estimation, Heading, Benching, Cycle time, Lining, Rock Bolts, Diversion Tunnel, Pressure Shaft, Tailrace Tunnel.
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why conduct the CBR test?
im dng fynl yr diploma… can any1 tell me wich book shld i refer 4 town planning & estimation nd casting
You can refer to bindra arora book of townplanning . i scored 90 out of 100 …using the same book . All the best
mr. Arjun u should refer B.N DUTTA for estimating and costing.
In todays world to secure jobs how much percentage is required in B.E course
what is ur definition of secure?
Minimum 65% is compulsory for Govt jobs…If u want to go for design side u should have minimum 75%
by reading about admixtuer as a water reducing agent, its very imp. to use waterreducer while doing concrete mix. thanks for giving such details…..madan ambulgekar
what is cbr test
sir, i often visit this site and i’m a student of civil engineering studying in final year BE in U B D T Engineering College- Davangere, Karnataka. I want some Construction companies to visit our college and get campus recruitment, can u please insist me wt i should do as a placement coordinator of our class. Because i want to build my career in construction field.
Using Autocad u can create 3D and 2D drawings, plan and profile of highways, building drawings, even more. I suggest you to go for coaching before you go for final year or before you complete your graduation.
sir which book is better for civil Eng.
Specify the subject Name??
A-Z building construction by Mantri .
this site is very useful for the student like me.. who dont hav gud lecturers to teach about civil engineering,,,hope i may become a gud civil engineer after reading this site completly… thnk u very much sir…
sir tell me about such type of high building which is capable to displacement due to high wind velocity. i mean to say when high wind load coming the buildings rotate or displace but when this load remove structure go to the orginal position.plz sir give me more information about this topics
cbr means california bearing test
it is used in design of pavement.
Am a nigerian hw can i get 2 study civil engineering abroad?
You can apply in MNNIT,ALLAHABAD,INDIA through DASA.
sir, i am a student of civil branch in jaipur national university,jaipur Rajasthan.I will be the 1st batch of civil branch to pass out from this university and i am not so sure about its affiliation from AICTE.So sir will it affect my future carrer, i am very so scared…?
i am a final year BE student. what type of project will help to achieve in my career
Basically my discipline is Mechanical… I want to continue my career in Steel structural related filed… I know STAAD-Pro & Strucad very well…. for the past three months i have been searching for place which i can learn steel srtructural design in chennai… still i haven’t yet find out…. So can anyone please tell me where i can study the steel structural design….
I am doing BE final year in Civil Engineering at Thanjavur – Tamilnadu. where can I do my project for the final year in Chennai / Tiruchirappalli
hai this is madhuri
i m dng my btech civil 2 nd year
can u pls post me survey note
fluid mechanics notes
of 2nd year 1 semister as soon as possible
now i am studying 3 rd yr
can any one tell me to which side of civil engineerng will give me better life ??
sir m working in a private sector in hydel project, can u tell me in which book is best for hydro power like dam, spillway, power house, tunnel power etc.
Sir i am doing second year civil in tamilnadu under control of annauniversity, which book can i refer for Surveying-I
Surveying -I by BC Punmia