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    36 comments on "Contact Us"

    Chandramohan says:

    I thought about a case scenario to handle more traffic

    Is it possible to have architectural plan for Creating bridges over the roof of the buildings using bridge construction support and further supports from ground

    Increase the bridges creates lot more routes

    That makes more traffic can be easily handled

    it is more like creating a connected terrain over top of buildings

    It could be costlier

    But this solves
    > when main bridges get broken
    > when traffic increases

    A alpana yadav says:

    Good attempt. KEP IT UP.There is a good book on concrete mix design with software published by Jain book agency. STUDENTS CAN GO THROUGH THAHT.

    virender dixit says:

    thanks alpana can u tell me the contacts from where i can get this software. regards

    nathan says:

    where do i aply? im a journeyman laborer with local 42 st. louis mo. I NEED WORK!!!

    abbey Rowland says:

    hello everyone, my name is abbey rowland a final year year student of civil engineering at the University Of Porharcourt here in Nigeria.
    am writting a paper on the effect of crude oil contamonated soils on bearing capacity. and would to know if i could be helped with any material on it

    kamlesh goswami says:

    without attending university classes how can i complete surveying diploma course. pl.reply

    Rafi says:

    Hello Sir
    I am working as Librarian in PACE Engineering College in ONGOLE,

    I Need civil journals details like publishers, subscription cost
    etc Please send mail it request I am waiting for your mail

    Thank You
    Good Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    olaiya taiwo says:

    Hello i am seeking admission into university of ibadan Nigeria,how can i really study this course with ease.because i am very much interested in this course.Thanks and continue in the good work…

    Aloke Dey says:

    Aloke DEy Sep-01, 2010. 10.15A.M.

    Dear Sir,
    I am intersted to buy Ultrasonic pulse measuring instruments for concrete (Non-destructive test)
    Please give us information for the same.
    We are located in India, Kolkata.


    Aloke Dey

    syed mohd hasan says:

    kind send the mix design calcucltion of M10,M15,M20,M30,M35,M40,M50,M60 design concrete. eagerly waiting for the reply Thanks with Regards.

    gourav says:

    I want quantity of cement , Aggregate, Sand and water for
    Deffirent type of mix grade and ratio

    ilyas says:

    tell me check list of column footing slab and other check list of building

    param says:

    what should be the economic measure of failure of M35 layer of concrete during construction of CC road ?????

    L.Sreenivasulureddy says:

    it is very helpfull for all engineers.but would like to take online course in designing of RCC please guide me

    GD Badar says:

    This is very helpful for us, and we need quick reference, so I suggest to add more material for designing & development related.

    rajkumar madan says:

    send me rate analysis soft ware

    vikaraman says:

    Sir i’m doing B.E, i want to study MS is Structural Engineering, i want to know which country is best and which university, please help me sir

    rajeshwary says:

    sir, i’m B.E. student. i m working with bioconcrete. please suggest me a suitable title for my project work..

    sunil tawde says:

    kindly let me know the software for estimating of a bldg.

    amir samiee says:

    I Need civil journals details like dam reservoir ,bridge construction tecnology,hidrology of flood ,dam construction tecnology tank you.


    Need to learn RCC design.

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