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Cross section method is most suitable for preparing contour maps for road works, rail works, canals etc.
Typically, this type of land has a very long strip but narrow width.
The steps involved are as follows:
i) The centre line of the strip of land is first marked
ii) Lines perpendicular to the longitudinal strip are marked dividing the strip into equal sections
iii) The perpendicular lines are divided into equally spaced divisions, thus forming rectangular grids.
iv) Levels are taken at the intersection of the grid lines to obtain the cross-section profile of the strip of land.
v) Contour map is plotted in the office by interpolating points of equal elevation based on the levels taken at site.
If you have a query, you can ask a question here.
Indirect method of contouring
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Thank you for the information, this helped a lot while working on CivilGEO’s GeoHECRAS software