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Civil Engineering Disciplines

This section deals with the civil engineering fields.As a Civil Engineer a vast world of imagination and dreams are opened to us.The Field of civil engineering is so vast that one cant limit itself to any particular field and excel without having a proper knowledge of other related fields.

To Conclude we can say that “Civil Engineering is a Renaissance field that requires the knowledge of many disciplines.

Below we have a list of disciplines one can choose from:

* Bridge Engineering

* Construction engineering

* Environmental engineering

* Fire protection engineering

* Geotechnical engineering

* General engineering

* Hydraulic engineering

* Materials science

* Piles Engineering

* Structural engineering

* Surveying

* Timber Engineering

* Transportation engineering

* Water resources engineering

Browse through the website to find out more on specific fields

293 comments on "Civil Engineering Disciplines"

Nalin says:

I’m civil engineering undergraduate. I would like to work in your company /construction firm
as tranee engineer. please contact me

shankaraan says:

now iam study BE-civil.i want to what are the softwres to study and i want go to work in ubrads and got a minimum 80,000 rupee a month .what i dop

arun says:

i have finished diploma in civil engineering and i am going to do my engineering so i need a job in my own spare time and i want reply immediately

rock says:

am learning civil engineering in ethiopia.but i need more what shall u do 4me?

Govarthanan says:

I am now studying final year civil engg. give me the details of placement on going now.

rathnan says:

i am studying B.E civil engg .i need a notes of basic dynamics and seismic design.
shall you please mail me.

Preston Stallings says:

I am doing a research paper on civil engineering and what the field holds for the future. But before I can deal with the furture I must give a brief history and I am unable to find information on ancient civil engineering, could someone please send me some info on early projects of the Greeks and Romans. If you have any information of who the “engineers” of these projects were it would be most helpful.

mubarik surur says:

i am civil and urban enginering student .civil eng is aplication of scince.

ALI says:

send me mail new technical things …..

Utpal Basu says:

Dear Sir,

Can i get the Hydrolic Flow Diagram of Water Treatment Plants.

tom reji says:



Merica Servantez says:

Hola. I need research help on engineering. Por Favor. Adios Amigos! Peace out! =I

ros says:

what is the scope of civil engineering

Ilangoramadoss says:

I am ilangoramadoss, studying Ist Year Civil Engineering.
I want to study fundamental/basic of civil engineering,
kindly suggest me any web site or study material.

Kinldy reply

kiran says:

Excellent job opportunities are there for civil engineers throughout the world.

samuelle says:

Please send me a guide (step by step) on how to use STAADPro 2007 in concrete/steel design of a building and including wind load and seismic load.

char says:

hi guys,,,,,i need your help,………kindly suggest me of what topic Im going to write in my research writing which related to civil engineering course…………thank a lot!!!!!!!11

Rohan says:

I just would like to know how vermicompost for residential type is related to civil engg ?

rajeswari says:

welcome sir,
i am a first year civil engg student of govt college of tech,
coimbatore.i wish to know some extra curricular activities required for civil jobs.
what’s will be scope of girl studentsin this field, thank u sir
i am waiting 4 ur favourable reply…………………………..

disyant says:

Dear sir,

Please give me formula for dom’s inner surface calculation.
I need it. for shuttering & plaster.
This time i am working in a Ltd compny an we are creating 24mt dia hall.

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