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Civil Engineering Disciplines

This section deals with the civil engineering fields.As a Civil Engineer a vast world of imagination and dreams are opened to us.The Field of civil engineering is so vast that one cant limit itself to any particular field and excel without having a proper knowledge of other related fields.

To Conclude we can say that “Civil Engineering is a Renaissance field that requires the knowledge of many disciplines.

Below we have a list of disciplines one can choose from:

* Bridge Engineering

* Construction engineering

* Environmental engineering

* Fire protection engineering

* Geotechnical engineering

* General engineering

* Hydraulic engineering

* Materials science

* Piles Engineering

* Structural engineering

* Surveying

* Timber Engineering

* Transportation engineering

* Water resources engineering

Browse through the website to find out more on specific fields

293 comments on "Civil Engineering Disciplines"

Godfrey says:

What is the best form of takling erosion. Explain basic drainage system.

ranjitham says:

i want to do my project in construction side i want best topic kindly reply me

siva says:

the best topic in the construction side is about functions of concrete

ajay vardhan says:

i think u can try ‘epoxy treatment’. n further u can try’ brick coba treatment’

fateme says:

im studying civileng in an irainian university i will be happy to know more about american universities .is there any one who can help me?

oza hiren amrutbhai says:

i m studing civil engg.(B.E) in india i want to complete M.E in foren contry give me a name of good clg for further study…



himanshu says:

providing the properly purlins in horizontlly direction

abarna says:

hai iam abarna, studying BE CIVIL 2nd yearin anna university,i have to know about building construction

Shikhar Nagal says:

Good Morning Sir/Madam,
I am a student of civil engg.(Final Engg.) and want to pursue my career in structural engg. in Building Construction,how i can be a master in my desired field?

ajay vardhan says:

y dont u take gate xams, n try iit delhi its best in master in str’l engg in india

ayush says:

is there any scope for a person who has completed B.E. in civil engg. to do MBA or he should go for M.E. or M.Tech. ?

ajay vardhan says:

its vry difficult depends wat u want if u want d job related to civil then doin m.tec z better option but it wont increases ur salary more than 200 in basic pay in govt jobs. but only think is preference z givrn to xtra qualified n many more goes 4 gate bcoz they r preparing 4 IES.
and 4 MBA u’ll get job of manager skills, depend which stream u choose in mba. for ex being civil engg mostly guys prefe r’ production’…. salary is awesom in private n future aspect is also good in both cases….

eng. xusaini says:

hi, iam a student of civil eng ( Gollis university in somalia ) and i want to get a chance or scholarship if it is possible , so how can i get these

muhammad waqas says:

could you explain me something about costruction engg, i mean construction engg is a separate discipline ???? and can i done masters in this field ??? plz reply. thanks

Engr. Azhar says:

Majority of Foreign Universities are offering Maters in Construction Management applicable to any Engg. Faculty… In my opinion, Construction Engg is not a separate discip, howevere, it is just implimentation of your study/knowledge.

Mirza Saeed says:

hey i am Mirza Saeed studiying bs tech frm universty of lahore.i wants to know more about airports design and foundation and master in drawing of various projects so plz advice me wht i will do?

Abdullah says:

Hi, I’m student of B.S.Civil Engineering from NUST, here one has to choose a field after 5th semester, (total 8 semesters), our college is offering us specialization in Transportation, Structural, and Geotech engineering, my question is, which field I should go for, in Pakistan.

Engr. Azhar says:

Abdullah! First choice must be of your personal interest but be remembered u can study/manage it easily… For Australia and Canada Job market refers Geotech otherwise Transportation. However, for Pak, Structure is good.

ajay vardhan says:

sturture, if hav basic datas clear in sturucture. n geotech z also gud

lugola, emmanuel says:

i just want to thank those who create this site because it very helpful and encouraging to us young civil engineers may GOD bless U all there by the way am from Tanzania.

atikul islam says:

i love civil engineering

jahir hussain says:

i am studying civil engineering 2 year for Anna university, i need best project for current problem solution for civil engineering, please guide me

antony edison says:

Please give the details about I S CIVIL Code book, where is avalable and howmuch the price of this book and give the list of the standared books and author name. In Addition give the details of cement bags and sand

ajay vardhan says:

libraury in IIT kanpur. generally proffesors used to carry it. so can opt ..4 proffessor as ur job or get 4m lib. n make it photostat

pooja kashyap says:

hello sir,
first i want to thank those who created this site because it very helpful and encouraging to us civil engineers. i am a 3rd year civil engg. student. i want to do MTECH. in ENVIRONMENTAL ENGG. can you please suggest the career oppurtunities after that !!

ajay vardhan says:

its good 😉

said wali khan says:

please send me Barbending shedule format and layout plans of diffrent shelters,offices,shools and colleges if possible
Regards: engg said wali khan pakistan

ajay vardhan says:

this is given in detail in RCC books. u can try BC Punamia

Sureshreddy says:

Hello sir,
i am 3rd year student i want to do in Structural Engineering.can u suggust the career oppurtunities after that

Sumit Singh says:

Hiii..i’m doing B.Tech ( CIVIL ) in 4th sem.
I’ve learnt AutoCAD now i want to learn STAAD PRO..will it be helpful in future…actually my plan is to do M.Tech in Environmental Engineering

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