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Civil Engineering Journals

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315 comments on "Civil Engineering Journals"

chitra says:

sir i am M.E infrastructure student.i need detailed idea of infrastructure projects.plz help me..

Varadharajan T says:

sir i am a final Year student for M.Tech. construction Engineering Management student please help me to find a suitable topic for my project

S Pushparani says:

sir i am a final Year student for M.Tech. construction Engineering Management student please help me to find a suitable topic for my project

Kamlesh damdoo says:

Can you tell me your area of interest and so I can suggest you with the most suitable topics that you can perform. Also if you are interested for some specific data analysis, you may choose your topic accordlingly.

Tawseef hamid says:

Sir plz tell me suitable topic for m. Tech transport

R Prabhahar says:

sir i am a final Year student for M.Tech. construction Engineering Management student please help me to find a suitable topic for my project

sunita sarangi says:

dear sir, actuly i m d stud of m-tech(structural enginering) i need some project topics regading self compacting concrete.. plz help me

Raj says:

Hi sir i am student of structural engg.i need some easy topics for project in final year. Please suggest me

farhan says:

please, give topics on hyperbolic cooling tower models testing

Amar Prasad says:

I’m final year civil engineering student.I’m looking for suitable project topic.

Saravanan says:

Sir I am a civil engineering student (2nd year ) I need list of civil engineering journals and it’s future requirements and benefits as soon a possible

Swapnil Vaishnav says:

sir i am a final Year student for M.Tech. construction Technology and Management student please help me to find a suitable topic for my project

KANNAN G says:

sir iam final year B.E civil engineering student. i want to need a list of suitable and best topic for my project.. pls send to my email id as soon as possible…. thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

raksh says:

give me name of magazine to related to civil and these magazine are free or minimum prise.

Somal Takarkhede says:

Sir i am a final Year student for M.E construction Management student please help me to find a suitable topic for my project

V.K.Singh says:

You can go for constructions of NDMC type building situated as New delhi.

devaraj says:

please post me some final year project topics based on seismic design

Manish kumar says:

sir i want to know from which book ,i can find all the topics regarding TRANSPORTATION AND ENVIRONMENT.

please tell me, or mail me (the names of essential books)

BIJI .U.I says:

Respected Sir/Madam,
i am a ME student, in the field of structural engineering. I am interested in doing my project work in Precast Concrete Structures and it’s behavior about lateral loading. Would you kindly suggest a topic for my ME project.
Thank You

AMALU says:

Sir i am a final Year student for computer aided structural engineering , please help me to find a suitable topic for my project

mahesh says:

Sir, I want to latest research paper on the waste bucket plastic fibre used in concrete.

santhosh kumar says:

sir i am final yr student for B.E civil engineering please, give topics on manufacturd sand.please mail me

Ogundele Isaac says:

‘am also a final year student please sugest a good research project topic for me…

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