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Civil Engineering Journals

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315 comments on "Civil Engineering Journals"

Dignasia says:

hello sir, i am a civil and transportation eng. student. I need some topics for my final year project

amin says:

hello sir,i am a geologe eng.msc student.i need some new topic about geology Engineering.thank you very …..

venkatesh says:

Hai Sir,,,
Iam a civil engg student and iam doing and i want some projects related to infrastructure engineering.

doss says:

any body doing research in precast structures mail me


Hello sir
I am Dinakaran, Mtech structural engineering first year student. i WANT TO PUBLISH PPT IN JOURNALS. PLEASE SUGGEST ME . THANKU YOU

mahsa says:

hello sir im civil engg student i need topic about towers
thank you so much

Aminul Islam says:

Sir,i need a research paper on road management of Bd

amul says:

Iam a civil engg student and iam doing and i want some projects related to highway and transportation engineering.

sakhawat ali usmani says:

salam sir, im civil engg student nd n final year now.plz give me some title related wd mix design…..

Umesh patil says:

Sir I am doing master in civil engg. i am completed my project work .i want to publish my project paper on international journals. sir give me information how to publish paper?

mulugeta kebede feyisa says:

hi Umesh patil pls i need you help,I’m studding master in civil Eng now, so pls i want sample project work,

rajesh says:

royal civil we lead others just follow us

sepehr says:

Hello sir
I am a civil engineering student who did research on prefabricated concrete in this regard if you can please help.
Thank you.

prabhath says:

Hello sir,
I am a civil engineer completd btech from minipal,now I am working in dubai my new project is construuction of warehouse,I don’t have any knowledge regarding this ,so please tell me how to get more knowledge like calculation of quantities,footings etc,please help me by sending any drawings with the quantity calculation

miumasurya says:

now(2009-2013) student of civil.i want help from the seniors of our department about the project in new materials of construction.please help me

prajapati hitesh t says:

give me some information for submit my paper in your journal related to civil eng.

madhan gopal says:

hi Sir,i need a research paper on materials.

sujat says:

hai sir
I am a student of civil dept can u give a information about road construction & bridge construction.

komala says:

hi sir
I am a student of civil dept can u suggest any topic for my final year project

chaudhari Navneet v. says:

how the calculate concrete mix (weight) cement,sand,c.a.

zia ul haq says:

I am a student of civil dept can u give a information about RISING DAMP AND ITS CONTROL

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