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Civil Engineering Journals

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315 comments on "Civil Engineering Journals"


Hello sir good afternoon i am a final year civil engg student i need some notes about “EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON EFFECT OF GLASS FIBER CONCRETE WITH M-SAND” for my project

vignesh says:

Hi,good morning sir iam pre final student of civil engineering sir I need some MINI PROJECT TITLE sir and solution sir.

Sugir Dev says:

Can Cement be Replaced by Copper Slag?

sriram says:

Hi…sir.good mrg.i am a pre final year student sir. I need full detail about the project sir.pls help me sir

Priyanka says:

Hello sir..i’m a pre final year student of civil engineering..i need some topics for presentation and research purpose..Can you please suggest me some fields regarding the presentation purpose..

vaibhav says:

you can select .. according to your interest. then you can do better. otherwise you will feel very boring during the project.

from-vaibhav from-iit madras

nakul says:

hello sir i want some suggestion for my BE project on highway safety and maintenance.

Abhishek says:

Good afternoon sir…i am in pre final yr of civil engg & am very interested in pursuing higher studies in structural engg……can you please tell me how ‘re the future prospects in this field in India?

Yuvaraj.S says:

Sir I am a Ph.D Scholar at Karpagam University and working as a Assistant Professor at KCE
currently i am doing my research work in the area of Nano-Technology in Civil Engineering
so you please kindly guide me to Publish a paper in the Journal for the same.

Thanking you


priyanka.a says:

can you provide me some information regarding plastones . if i take a project on this topic will it be successful. help me pls..

Revathi says:

Good evening sir.. am pre final yr of civil engineering sir … i want some mini projects titles and concepts sir

Ana Halliday says:

I am looking for Engineering Construction World Magazine. I do not know if it is still in business. I would like to find an issue back to June 1968. There is an article and picture of my dad in that magazine. If you have any information, I will appreciated so much to share it with me.

vinu says:

can you please tell abt d binding proprety of cement… whether any alternative had found for 100% replacement of cement in concrete?? and please guide me whether replacement of coarse aggregate by coconut shell will be sucessful?

Padam Ayer says:

Hello sir,
What woud be the innovative project in civil engineering, as i am final year student & need to interesting projects.
Please guide me help me in selection of good project topics


charu says:

may i know ,journals regarding latest softwares in civil engineering.

reddy ganesan balaji says:

Hi,good morning sir iam pre final student of civil engineering sir I need some MINI PROJECT TITLE sir and solution sir.

reddy ganesan balaji says:

Good afternoon sir…i am in pre final yr of civil engg & am very interested in pursuing higher studies in structural engg……can you please tell me how ‘re the future prospects in this field in India?

anusree says:

may i know about equipment used for repair of building?



B.S.Bhaskar says:

Hai sir
iam a civil engg student and i am doing diploma
and i want projects releted informition

chetan sharma TMU MBD says:

hello sir,i am pre final year student in BE CE.I’m intrested in field of bulding construction.kindly suggest me for best in future .

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