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Raj Mohammad Khan
Following table shows the M-25Mix Designs as per IS-10262-2009, hope this helps all civil engineers here
As per IS 10262-2009 & MORT&H |
A-1 |
Stipulations for Proportioning | |
1 |
Grade Designation | M25 |
2 |
Type of Cement | OPC 53 grade confirming to IS-12269-1987 |
3 |
Maximum Nominal Aggregate Size | 20 mm |
4 |
Minimum Cement Content (MORT&H 1700-3 A) | 310 kg/m3 |
5 |
Maximum Water Cement Ratio (MORT&H 1700-3 A) | 0.45 |
6 |
Workability (MORT&H 1700-4) | 50-75 mm (Slump) |
7 |
Exposure Condition | Normal |
8 |
Degree of Supervision | Good |
9 |
Type of Aggregate | Crushed Angular Aggregate |
10 |
Maximum Cement Content (MORT&H Cl. 1703.2) | 540 kg/m3 |
11 |
Chemical Admixture Type | Superplasticiser Confirming to IS-9103 |
A-2 |
Test Data for Materials | |
1 |
Cement Used | Coromandal King OPC 53 grade |
2 |
Sp. Gravity of Cement | 3.15 |
3 |
Sp. Gravity of Water | 1.00 |
4 |
Chemical Admixture | BASF Chemicals Company |
5 |
Sp. Gravity of 20 mm Aggregate | 2.884 |
6 |
Sp. Gravity of 10 mm Aggregate | 2.878 |
7 |
Sp. Gravity of Sand | 2.605 |
8 |
Water Absorption of 20 mm Aggregate | 0.97% |
9 |
Water Absorption of 10 mm Aggregate | 0.83% |
10 |
Water Absorption of Sand | 1.23% |
11 |
Free (Surface) Moisture of 20 mm Aggregate | nil |
12 |
Free (Surface) Moisture of 10 mm Aggregate | nil |
13 |
Free (Surface) Moisture of Sand | nil |
14 |
Sieve Analysis of Individual Coarse Aggregates | Separate Analysis Done |
15 |
Sieve Analysis of Combined Coarse Aggregates | Separate Analysis Done |
15 |
Sp. Gravity of Combined Coarse Aggregates | 2.882 |
16 |
Sieve Analysis of Fine Aggregates | Separate Analysis Done |
A-3 |
Target Strength for Mix Proportioning | |
1 |
Target Mean Strength (MORT&H 1700-5) | 36N/mm2 |
2 |
Characteristic Strength @ 28 days | 25N/mm2 |
A-4 |
Selection of Water Cement Ratio | |
1 |
Maximum Water Cement Ratio (MORT&H 1700-3 A) | 0.45 |
2 |
Adopted Water Cement Ratio | 0.43 |
A-5 |
Selection of Water Content | |
1 |
Maximum Water content (10262-table-2) | 186 Lit. |
2 |
Estimated Water content for 50-75 mm Slump | 138 Lit. |
3 |
Superplasticiser used | 0.5 % by wt. of cement |
A-6 |
Calculation of Cement Content | |
1 |
Water Cement Ratio | 0.43 |
2 |
Cement Content (138/0.43) | 320 kg/m3 |
Which is greater then 310 kg/m3 | |
A-7 |
Proportion of Volume of Coarse Aggregate & Fine Aggregate Content | |
1 |
Vol. of C.A. as per table 3 of IS 10262 | 62.00% |
2 |
Adopted Vol. of Coarse Aggregate | 62.00% |
Adopted Vol. of Fine Aggregate ( 1-0.62) | 38.00% |
A-8 |
Mix Calculations | |
1 |
Volume of Concrete in m3 | 1.00 |
2 |
Volume of Cement in m3 | 0.10 |
(Mass of Cement) / (Sp. Gravity of Cement)x1000 | |
3 |
Volume of Water in m3 | 0.138 |
(Mass of Water) / (Sp. Gravity of Water)x1000 | |
4 |
Volume of Admixture @ 0.5% in m3 | 0.00134 |
(Mass of Admixture)/(Sp. Gravity of Admixture)x1000 | |
5 |
Volume of All in Aggregate in m3 | 0.759 |
Sr. no. 1 – (Sr. no. 2+3+4) | |
6 |
Volume of Coarse Aggregate in m3 | 0.471 |
Sr. no. 5 x 0.62 | |
7 |
Volume of Fine Aggregate in m3 | 0.288 |
Sr. no. 5 x 0.38 | |
A-9 |
Mix Proportions for One Cum of Concrete (SSD Condition) | |
1 |
Mass of Cement in kg/m3 | 320 |
2 |
Mass of Water in kg/m3 | 138 |
3 |
Mass of Fine Aggregate in kg/m3 | 751 |
4 |
Mass of Coarse Aggregate in kg/m3 | 1356 |
Mass of 20 mm in kg/m3 | 977 |
Mass of 10 mm in kg/m3 | 380 |
5 |
Mass of Admixture in kg/m3 | 1.60 |
6 |
Water Cement Ratio | 0.43 |
If you have a query, you can ask a question here.
Can u explain me i want to quantity material for m20,m25
Sir, if OPC cement is not available than can we use any PPC cement for mix design M-25 for testing
You have to redesign your concrete mix.Specific gravity of PPC cement,strength,workability,setting time will vary.
I want to check cube strength. But I don’t know how i can calculate strength
M-25. My load on cube is 725 Newton. But how calculate M-25
Please tell me with examples
sir pl send M20 AND M25 AND M-30,M35 Design with fly ash and cement
Sir why this mix design procedure differ from that of finding out the material quantity through ratio methid i.e. 1:1:2
If we check out the ratio here it will come about 1:2.34:4.2
Deepti Singh
Yes Your Question Is Correct. See The Ratio Which Has been Know to us is Completely Bassed On Trial & Error Based It Is Not Defined By Is Code As for General Purpose We Adopte The Trial & Error Method Which as we Know But for Specific Work We Should Go through The Mix Design Which would Be Different From The Ratio.
Thank U…
Happy 2 Help U…!
How the water amount is reduced to 186 litres to 138 litres,give me the brief explanation
What’s m 25 pl.explain propration c+s+khadi+water
how to calculate ratio actual
please explain method for determination of mix proportion by 1 cum quantity.
as 1:1:2.
Sir how is estimated water content been calculated
please issue if possible contact no of approved concrete testing lab in jodhpur (Rajashthan area or near by area
Dear sir
Can you please send me concrete mix design of m20 if I am adding 30% and 50% of an admixture.
How can we determine water content for 65mm slump
dear we wont m-25 / m20 design mix for projects volume syt. plz. send
The mix design is for maximum size of aggregate upto 40 mm are readily available.In mass concrete the maximum size of aggregate is considered as 80 mm for M15 and M20.The grading of 80 mm size aggregate is not available .Please provide mix design of A80 M20.
m60 mix propotions to giveme
Plzz sant a design mix M25 and M30 with acc cement brand.
how the proportion of CA 20mm and 10mm is decided?
If OPC not available,which cement can used for design of M20,30,40 and above