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Mix design M25 Grade designed as per IS 10262:2009 & IS 456:2000


Mix proportioning for a concrete of M25 grade is given in A·I to A-ll.

a) Grade designation : M25
b) Type of cement : OPC 53 Grade conforming IS 12269
c) Maximum nominal size of aggregate : 20mm
d) Minimum cement content : 300 kg/m3 (IS 456:2000)
e) Maximum water-cement ratio : 0.50 (Table 5 of IS 456:2000)
f) Workability : 100-120mm slump
g) Exposure condition : Moderate (For Reinforced Concrete)
h) Method of concrete placing : Pumping
j) Degree of supervision : Good
k) Type of aggregate : Crushed Angular Aggregates
m) Maximum cement content : 340 kg/m3
n) Chemical admixture type : Super Plasticizer ECMAS HP 890

a) Cement used : OPC 53 Grade conforming IS 12269

b) Specific gravity of cement : 3.15

c) Chemical admixture : Super Plasticizer conforming to IS 9103 (ECMAS HP 890)

d) Specific gravity of

1) Coarse aggregate 20mm : 2.67
2) Fine aggregate : 2.65
3) GGBS : 2.84 (JSW)

e) Water absorption:

1) Coarse aggregate : 0.5 %
2) Fine aggregate (M.sand) : 2.5 %

f) Free (surface) moisture:

1) Coarse aggregate : Nil (Absorbed Moisture also Nil)
2) Fine aggregate : Nil

g) Sieve analysis:

1) Coarse aggregate: Conforming to all in aggregates of Table 2 of IS 383
2) Fine aggregate : Conforming to Grading Zone II of Table 4 of IS 383

f’ck =fck + 1.65 s
f’ck = target average compressive strength at 28 days,
fck = characteristics compressive strength at 28 days, and
s = standard deviation.

From Table I of IS 10262:2009, Standard Deviation, s = 4 N/mm2. Therefore, target strength = 25 + 1.65 x 4 = 31.6 N/mm2.


Adopted maximum water-cement ratio = 0.47.

From the Table 5 of IS 456 for Very severe Exposure maximum Water Cement Ratio is 0.50
0.47 < 0.50Hence ok. A-5 SELECTION OF WATER CONTENT
From Table 2 of IS 10262:2009, maximum water content for 20 mm aggregate = 186 litre (for 25 to 50 mm slump range) Estimated water content for 100 mm slump = 186+ (6/186) = 197 litre.

(Note: If Super plasticizer is used, the water content can be reduced upto 20% and above.)

Based on trials with Super plasticizer water content reduction of 20% has been achieved, Hence the arrived water content = 197-[197 x (20/100)] = 158 litre.

Adopted w/c Ratio = 0.47
Cement Content = 158/0.47 = 336 kg/m3
From Table 5 of IS 456, Minimum cement content for ‘Very severe’ exposure conditions 300kg/m3

336 kg/m3 > 300 kg/m3 hence ok.

From Table 3 of (IS 10262:2009) Volume of coarse aggregate corresponding to 20 mm size aggregate and fine aggregate (Zone II) for water-cement ratio of 0.50 =0.62 .

In the present case water-cement ratio is 0.44. Therefore, volume of coarse aggregate is required to be increased to decrease the fine aggregate content. As the water-cement ratio is lower by 0.06. The proportion of volume of coarse aggregate is increased by 0.02 (at the rate of -/+ 0.01 for every ± 0.05 change in water-cement ratio).

Therefore, corrected proportion of volume of coarse aggregate for the water-cement ratio of 0.47 = 0.63

NOTE – In case the coarse aggregate is not angular one, then also volume of coarse aggregate may be required to be increased suitably based on experience & Site conditions.

For pumpable concrete these values should be reduced up to 10%. Therefore, volume of coarse aggregate =0.63 x 0.9 =0.57.

Volume of fine aggregate content = 1 – 0.57= 0.43.


The mix calculations per unit volume of concrete shall be as follows:
a) Volume of concrete = 1 m3

b) Volume of cement = [Mass of cement] / {[Specific Gravity of Cement] x 1000}
= 336/{3.15 x 1000}
= 0.106 m3

c) Volume of water = [Mass of water] / {[Specific Gravity of water] x 1000}
= 158/{1 x 1000}
= 0.158m3

d) Volume of chemical admixture = 1.75 litres/ m3 (By Trial and Error Method used 0.4% by the weight cement)

e) Volume of all in aggregate = [a-(b+c+d)]
= [1-(0.106+0.158+0.004)]
= 0.732 m3

f) Mass of coarse aggregate= e x Volume of Coarse Aggregate x Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregate x 1000
= 0.732x 0.57 x 2.67 x 1000
= 1114 kg/m3

g) Mass of fine aggregate= e x Volume of Fine Aggregate x Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregate x 1000
= 0.732 x 0.43 x 2.65 x 1000
= 834 kg/m3

Cement = 269kg/m3
GGBS = 67 kg/m3 (20% By Total weight of Cement)
Water = 158 l/m3
Fine aggregate = 834 kg/m3
Coarse aggregate 20mm = 891 kg/m3
12mm = 223 kg/m3 (20% By Total weight of Coarse Aggregate)
Chemical admixture = 1.34 kg/m3 (0.4% by the weight of cement)
Density of concrete = 2443 kg/m3
Water-cement ratio = 0.47
Mix Proportion By weight = 1: 2.48: 3.31

NOTE – Aggregates should be used in saturated surface dry condition. If otherwise, when computing the requirement of mixing water, allowance shall be made for the free (surface) moisture contributed by the fine and coarse aggregates. On the other hand, if the aggregates are dry the amount of mixing water should be increased by an amount equal to the moisture likely to be absorbed by the aggregates. Necessary adjustments are also required to be made In mass of aggregates. The surface water and percent water absorption of aggregates shall be determined according to IS 2386

A-10 The slump shall he measured and the water content and dosage of admixture shall be adjusted for achieving the required s lump based on trial , if required. The mix proportions shall he reworked for the actual water content and checked for durability requirements.


A-11 Two more trials having variation of ± 10 percent of water-cement ratio in A-10 shall be carried out and a graph between three water-cement ratios and their corresponding strengths shall he plotted to work out the mix proportions for the given target strength for field trials. However, durability requirement shall be met.

We are thankful to G. Prabhakaran for sharing this information with us on We hope this would be of great significance to civil engineers seeking information on M25 design mix in Bangalore region.

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Kanwarjot Singh

Kanwarjot Singh is the founder of Civil Engineering Portal, a leading civil engineering website which has been awarded as the best online publication by CIDC. He did his BE civil from Thapar University, Patiala and has been working on this website with his team of Civil Engineers.

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7 comments on "Mix design M25 Grade designed as per IS 10262:2009 & IS 456:2000"

kuntalmal says:


vicknesh sundar says:

Hi prabharan I need design mix for M50 grade concrete using M sand for PT slab. Could you do that?


In all the mix design the exposure condition given is moderate. But in the stipulations for various grades the water cement ratio and min cement content taken as per table 5 for example for M25 as 300 kg and 0.5 for M30 320 AND 0.45 , for M35 340 and 0.45 and M40 as 360 and 0.40.
But when the exposure is moderate the minimum grade is M25 and minimum cement content is 300 kg and maximum water cement ratio is 0.50. Any grade done in moderate exposure the minimum cement content and maximum water cement ratio reference is only 300kg and 0.50 for grade M25 and above. The cement content and w/c doesnot change of moderate as 320 , 340, 360 and w/c as 0.45, 0.45 and 0.40. The reference value is 0.50 only and we need to check the calculated w/c and cement with moderate exposure content only.

in details calculation when w/c is calculated it is worngly written as very severe exposure in all examples . It should be MODERATE and comparison w/c ratio should be 0.50 only.

As per table 5 the minimum cement content , maximum water cement ratio and Minimum grade of concrete are specified for every durability. i.e for M40 mix design the w/c of 0.36 to be compared with the reference w/c for moderate is 0.50 and not 0.40 which is for extreme
PL Correct the same


cement content is very less so the quality of structure has poor


We are thankful to G. Prabhakaran for sharing this information with us on We hope this would be of great significance to civil engineers seeking information on M25 design mix

RS Qheebelur says:

Thanks too much

fahad khan says:

dear sir,
in section A7 you use water cement ratio 0.44 instead of adopted w/c ratio of 0.47
thi create confusion i my mind

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