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Soundness of cement is determined by Le-Chatelier method as per IS: 4031 (Part 3) – 1988.
Apparatus – The apparatus for conducting the Le-Chatelier test should conform to IS: 5514 – 1969
Balance, whose permissible variation at a load of 1000g should be +1.0g and Water bath.
Procedure to determine soundness of cement
i) Place the mould on a glass sheet and fill it with the cement paste formed by gauging cement with 0.78 times the water required to give a paste of standard consistency.
ii) Cover the mould with another piece of glass sheet, place a small weight on this covering glass sheet and immediately submerge the whole assembly in water at a temperature of 27 ± 2oC and keep it there for 24hrs.
iii) Measure the distance separating the indicator points to the nearest 0.5mm (say d1 ).
iv) Submerge the mould again in water at the temperature prescribed above. Bring the water to boiling point in 25 to 30 minutes and keep it boiling for 3hrs.
v) Remove the mould from the water, allow it to cool and measure the distance between the indicator points (say d2 ).
vi) (d2 – d1 ) represents the expansion of cement.
If you have a query, you can ask a question here.
To obtain a lasting structure 1 must ensure that the material use are sound {ENGRS}
write about rotatory kiln
what should be the value of d1-d2 ?
d1 – d2= ?
maximum 10mm
it should be 5mm for aerated OPC and 10mm for non-aerated OPC
please give total information,insoundness of cement d2-d1 should not greater than 10 mm
The expansion of cement is due to presence of silicates of magnesium and calcium
Should not be greater than 10mm
why water content should be 0.78 times p
what is the value of d2-d1, as per IS. upto what values the cement is acceptable, and when it should be rejected. What will happen / How it will affect construction , when the values are not within permissible limits ?
Where are the precautions?
give the procedure in tamil language
how to control initial setting time
What about autoclave?/
Why taking 0.78P in Soundness Test ?