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This test is done to assess the quality of concrete by ultrasonic pulse velocity method as per IS: 13311 (Part 1) – 1992. The underlying principle of this test is –
The method consists of measuring the time of travel of an ultrasonic pulse passing through the concrete being tested. Comparatively higher velocity is obtained when concrete quality is good in terms of density, uniformity, homogeneity etc.
Procedure to determine strength of hardened concrete by Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity.
i) Preparing for use: Before switching on the ‘V’ meter, the transducers should be connected to the sockets marked “TRAN” and ” REC”.
The ‘V’ meter may be operated with either:
a) the internal battery,
b) an external battery or
c) the A.C line.
ii) Set reference: A reference bar is provided to check the instrument zero. The pulse time for the bar is engraved on it. Apply a smear of grease to the transducer faces before placing it on the opposite ends of the bar. Adjust the ‘SET REF’ control until the reference bar transit time is obtained on the instrument read-out.
iii) Range selection: For maximum accuracy, it is recommended that the 0.1 microsecond range be selected for path length upto 400mm.
iv) Pulse velocity: Having determined the most suitable test points on the material to be tested, make careful measurement of the path length ‘L’. Apply couplant to the surfaces of the transducers and press it hard onto the surface of the material. Do not move the transducers while a reading is being taken, as this can generate noise signals and errors in measurements. Continue holding the transducers onto the surface of the material until a consistent reading appears on the display, which is the time in microsecond for the ultrasonic pulse to travel the distance ‘L’. The mean value of the display readings should be taken when the units digit hunts between two values.
Pulse velocity=(Path length/Travel time)
v) Separation of transducer leads: It is advisable to prevent the two transducer leads from coming into close contact with each other when the transit time measurements are being taken. If this is not done, the receiver lead might pick-up unwanted signals from the transmitter lead and this would result in an incorrect display of the transit time.
Interpretation of Results
The quality of concrete in terms of uniformity, incidence or absence of internal flaws, cracks and segregation, etc,indicative of the level of workmanship employed, can thus be assessed using the guidelines given below, which have been evolved for characterizing the quality of concrete in structures in terms of the ultrasonic pulse velocity.
If you have a query, you can ask a question here.
What is the IS code no for Ultrosonic pulse velocity test to findout the compressive strength of concrete.
IS 13311
for hammer test there is a graph with the instrument to estimate the compressive strength from the rebound number but the upv test you provide elastic modulus from the graph with the equipment also
what is ultasonic pulse?
Please furnish the value of UPV test in Conbextra GP2 with aggregate and without aggregate.
Dear sir,
I have khrone UFM 600 T ultrasonic flow transmitter.According to the Manufacturer’s User’s manual Many times i tried to install that in pipeline for water.Kindly tell me what are the parameters i have to collect and calculate.Please.
Dear Sir,
I am interested to buy Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity for testing of concrete strength. Kindly guide me what is the cost and details of that equipment
pls email me the how to make the test report for upv test
respected frnds,if u know method of measuring the cracks in concrete,then plz let me know,thanking you
if we select the indirect method for upv test then how much depth of concrete checked by 30cm prob distace.
does ultrasonic pulse velocity method tell about dynamic modulus of elasticity of concrte?
I am interested in purchase of Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Meter. Kindly inform where can I purchase the same. Please provide the name of a dealer & Price in India.
what are the reasons the reading will not show during the UPV test
it may be caused due to improper connection of transducers with the surface. also if the transducers are not properly aligned then reading may not show up
Please suggest me, Medium velocity is an acceptable or not in new constructed structure work? i.e. 3.2 velocity is found in new structure so is it confirm as accepted or not?
Yes, it is used to determine modlus of elasticity as well as dynamic poisson’s ratio.
If Ultrasonic pulse velocity results are doubtful , as per IS standard “Further test can be carried out” . Wht are those test
I will investigate the quality of teh existing concrete. It is always underwater, the dimension of teh slab is about 140 m x 60 m. I it possible to get a reliable test result if the distance of each prove is 140 meters apart.
sirca you help me please what l measured in (L) measured in and can you please represent in valuse
we have tested a concrte structure using UPV machine Pundit PL 200 and got the values of 6.0 6.5 and more. is it possible to achieve such values in UPV? kindly comment.
The Test will be conduct after 28 days or may be before 28
How to calculate velocity upv