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Checking of materials is an essential part of civil engineering as the life of structure is dependent on the quality of material used.Following are the tests to be conducted to judge the quality of cement.
1. Fineness
2. Soundness
3. Consistency
4. Initial And Final Setting Time Of Cement
Just click on the names of the tests above to know the entire procedure of how we perform these tests.
If you have a query, you can ask a question here.
Manufacturing of cement by dry process.
1.selection of raw material.
2.treatment of raw material.
3.burning & drying.
4.grinding of klinkers.
5.packing and storage.
Hi, sir
give all details about permeability test on cement concrete, methods theory, etc
Respected Sir,
We stored a some quantity of Cement last six months. now we want to
use it for construction. is it preferable? should we use this
cement in concrete / plastering ?
what is the provision of IS ?
Sub: Info on Manufacturing of Fly Ash Bricks ?
Hello Sir,
Can you please provide useful information on Manufacturing Process of Fly Ash Bricks & the Technology required for it to produce bricks.
With Metta,
Civil Engineer
“May all beings be Happy”
well I am new in cement well sir can u give the various test for the Lime stone and the methord it will
be a guirdline 4 me
Hello Sir,
Which kind of problems occur while lab testing for materials? How to deal with customer?
How do you test for the shock a concrete rod can take, before it shatters. I am a High school student and it will help me with my Extended Essay. I also need a more accurate way to test for the maximum strain force it can take too.
the procedures of testing is realy good
sir ,we want to know the correct procedures and formula on deflection test on steel pipes….
Dear sir
I want some information about classification of soil by ‘Younger’ triangle method.And relation between plastic limit and liquid limit and relation between grain size of soil and CBR of Soil.
dear sir i need a information about VG30 paving grade bitumen please say the requirements for test procedure and how to do that
Dear Sir,
Can you please avail the analytical procedure for cement testing in a lab.
hi sir,
what is the need of chemical mixture by using the mineral admixture
does the grade a of cement determine what it should should be used for?for instance can an m50 grade be used for concrete,aggregate and plastering?
hi,sir how to find fluidity test(contact area determination test).
hi sir,
Thank you for valuable information.what is the testing procedure of CC blocks compressive strength.
Pulla Reddy
Hi sir
how we can test the permeabilty in cement concrete cube(150*150*150 mm) in lab.
anjit karna
HI ^^
thank you for the very valuable informations…
I hope that you will add more infos!!
hello sir, please give the information about specific gravity test for OPC cement…
Hello Sir can you tell me about replacing OPC with Blended Cement & its various propertiesmand advantages over OPC.