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Checking of materials is an essential part of civil engineering as the life of structure is dependent on the quality of material used.Following are the tests to be conducted to judge the quality of cement.
1. Fineness
2. Soundness
3. Consistency
4. Initial And Final Setting Time Of Cement
Just click on the names of the tests above to know the entire procedure of how we perform these tests.
If you have a query, you can ask a question here.
would like to request you provede me the test to be carried out in “Cement”. (Chemical and Physical tests)
sir would u please include compressive and tensile strength tests too
In which constructions 53 grade 43 grade and 33 grade cement should be use ?
Ans* 53 grade cement use in construction
what is the alkalies specification in cement .60 maximum
cement is binding material.
sir, i want to know cement total lab analysis.
could u tell me while gauging of cement if v use hot water what ll happen? Plz reply
For ordinary Portland cement Half of the total heat is liberated between 1-3 days, about ¾th in 7 days and nearly 90% in 28 days. if we add hot water then it directly effects on heat of hydration
sir, what factors are to be check to asses the quality of cement.
i am business man and i want to check my cement
and i want the adress where this type of lab
is specific gravitg of cement among the test on cement?
Please give me details and list of tests which occors in site labs or lboty
I am a building student N.T.I. and I would like to know how 2 test 4 cement.
i am a student of of poornima group jaipur and i ask you ,different & lastest project for civil engg.
plase tell me typs of cement & its properties.
which condition they are used?
Tell me about manufacturing process of cement
Pls tell me.
which type of needle required in consistency?
Kindly let me know the address of any cement lab for carrying out composition test of cement as whether the cement is OPC, PPC, PSC as declared by the manufacturer on the package.
Please in want to know the types of test carried for cement?. thank you.
hi, please how would i describe the tests i will specify and ensure if the cement supplied at a construction site are of good quality?