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Workability of Fresh Concrete by Compacting Factor Test


Compacting factor of fresh concrete is done to determine the workability of fresh concrete by compacting factor test as per IS: 1199 – 1959. The apparatus used is Compacting factor apparatus.

Procedure to determine workability of fresh concrete by compacting factor test.

i) The sample of concrete is placed in the upper hopper up to the brim.

ii) The trap-door is opened so that the concrete falls into the lower hopper.

iii) The trap-door of the lower hopper is opened and the concrete is allowed to fall into the cylinder.

iv) The excess concrete remaining above the top level of the cylinder is then cut off with the help of plane blades.

v) The concrete in the cylinder is weighed. This is known as weight of partially compacted concrete.

vi) The cylinder is filled with a fresh sample of concrete and vibrated to obtain full compaction. The concrete in the cylinder is weighed again. This weight is known as the weight of fully compacted concrete.


Compacting factor = (Weight of partially compacted concrete)/(Weight of fully compacted concrete)


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Kanwarjot Singh

Kanwarjot Singh is the founder of Civil Engineering Portal, a leading civil engineering website which has been awarded as the best online publication by CIDC. He did his BE civil from Thapar University, Patiala and has been working on this website with his team of Civil Engineers.

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100 comments on "Workability of Fresh Concrete by Compacting Factor Test"

yasin says:

what is the engineering importance of compactng factor

lekan says:

compacing factor test is used by the engineers(civil engineers) to test how strong the concrete that is about to be give them the ideal ratio(cement water agreggate ratio) to use.

vaibhav jain says:

to find the stiffness of material by which you can find out the workability of material..

kuldeep says:

if the compaction is more then the workability of concrete also will more…

bittu kumar says:

for determining the workability of concrete

IZzz says:

Why the compacting factor test must do after the concrete was mixed?

Arijit Saha says:

Is there any relation or curve between Compacting Factor and Slump? Like if the slump is 100, what will be the corresponding value of compacting factor?

anuj says:

i got 1 ques-whatdo u mean by high or low workability…….\

praveen rathore says:

ques-what is the max grade of concrete used ever and where?

lekan says:

1:1.5:2 ratio(i.e.1 head pan of cement,1.5 head pan of sand or fine aggregate and 2 head pan of gravel or coarse aggregate).it is the strongest, and used in a swampy or water(sea,rivers e.t.c.) areas.

hema says:

is there any application of compacting factor; like on obtaining some compaction factor the mix is rejected or accepted; or is it just to know how workable the mix is?

kuldeep says:

compaction factor is the ratio of weight of partially compacted concrete to weight of fully compacted concrete. fully compacted concrete will give the strength according to mix that we have provided. exp. M20 will give 20 N/MM2. it will not reject but less compacted mix will harmful for our structure.

ReaGen says:

what factors effect the workability of a concrete mix?

sharmila says:

1.influence of mix proportion.
2.influence of aggregate properties
3influence of admixtures.
4.effect of tym.
5.effect of environmental condtns.

ReaGen says:

why is the compaction test more appropriate for dried mixes?

Steven says:

what is the fixed period suggested in b.s. 1881?

pyy says:

what factors affect the workability of concrete mix?
why is the compaction test more appropriate for dried mixes?
will the age of the concrete after mixing affect the results?
Is it nessary to carry out both tests at a fixed time after mixing?
What is the fixed period suggested in B.S. 1881?
Can the tests be standardised up to 10 mins?

BHUNG says:

why is the slump test suitable for site use??

kuldeep says:

not much things to be required for slump test.

bittu kumar says:

because it is portable,cheap and convenient to be used

Ting says:

Why is the compaction test more appropriate for dried mixes?

Chiew says:

will the age of the concrete after mixing affect the result?

abdul rahiman says:

we are take concrete mouled after when take test&proudure.

yang says:

What is the usefulness and application of the result of this experiment?

hina says:

workability is decress by the addition of water, how??

kuldeep says:

Excessive water will lead to increased bleeding (surface water) and/or segregation of aggregates (when the cement and aggregates start to separate), with the resulting concrete having reduced quality

vinothkumar says:

i want exact answer for what is mean by workability of concrete?

hina says:

it is the ease with which it can be placed in position and compacted….and the worbabilty increse with water

Ninesh says:

i want exact answer for what is mean by workability of concrete?

Tanzeel Ahmad says:

when we talk about the workabiity of concrete its include 3 things. ease in mixing, placing and then in compaction.

bittu kumar says:

according to (is:1199-1959) it is defined as theproperty of concrete which determine the amount of internalwork necessary to produce full compaction

thiyagararajan says:

slump test and compaction factor test both are using to determine tha workability of concrete…..

ARUL says:


bittu kumar says:

yes,both r using to determine the workability of concrete

vikram says:

what is influence of fibres on workability of concrete

sachithanantham.p says:

workability of concrete decreases with the addition of fibres
in general.It also depends on the type of fibre used in fibre reinforced concrete

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