Awarded as the best online publication by CIDC

World Engineering Congress – 2008

Marcus Evans – Plant Start-Up & Commissioning

Plant start-up and commissioning is a complex issue requiring, great planning, leadership, teamwork, training, and communication. The start-up and commissioning of new plant and equipment poses a major technical and management challenge.

This conference which is part of World Engineering Congress will address key issues such as preparation, start-up execution, typical start-up problems, pre-commissioning and operational testing, contractors and vendor personnel, the commissioning team and many more issues that will lead to more cost effective, safer and timely executions.

Join world class companies and gain insights as they discuss and share their invaluable experiences with start-ups and commissioning.

World Engineering Congress (WEC) offers solution providers a platform to meet your sales, marketing and business development objectives. This congress is the ideal intersection for engineers across industries to discuss and debate pivotal industry issues. This is the arena to showcase your business solutions available for enterprises. Marcus Evans recognises the role of engineers in creating a sustainable future. The engineering profession globally needs to become part of the solution, finding answers with multiple benefits. The theme for the World Engineering Congress 2008 is ‘Engineers Shape the Sustainable Future’.

WEC is the amalgamation of 6 cutting edge conferences and 4advanced training programmes running parallel with an international exhibition under one roof that is freely accessible by all delegates over two days.

World Engineering Congress Banner


***We cordially invite all delegates to attend WEC reception comprising of cocktail & mocktail, prize give-aways, lucky draws


Advanced Project Management for Engineers


Gas Turbine Maintenance

Finance for Engineers

Click here for more details

For further details and brochures, please contact:

Ms. Esther Wong

Tel No: +603 2723 6736
Fax No: +
603 2723 6699

Email add: [email protected]

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Kanwarjot Singh

Kanwarjot Singh is the founder of Civil Engineering Portal, a leading civil engineering website which has been awarded as the best online publication by CIDC. He did his BE civil from Thapar University, Patiala and has been working on this website with his team of Civil Engineers.

If you have a query, you can ask a question here.

21 comments on "World Engineering Congress – 2008"

karan says:

i m also a civil engineer and i want to know about it more.

Ishan says:

Can the proceedings of the WEC made available online???

lenin says:

I got the 3rd place in this site. so happy!

Sunil Balguri says:

I am a civil Engineer & intrested to upgrade my skills

Srinivas says:

I am a Civil engineer & Interested in this very much

yugandhar says:

Iam a civil engineer & intrestede to upgrade my skills.

javed akhtar zehri says:

i am also a civil engineer and interested to know more about WEC

Ajay Chhikara says:

I am a civil engineer & interested to upgrade my skills. I will Thank full for this work.

vinay says:

i am a civil engineer i want to upgrade myself.& also interested to know more about WEC

Irteza Malik says:

Well I would appreciate if the proceedings of the WEC are made available on the net for the consumption of others who are interested in upgradation. Regards

nagendra singh says:

Hi Sir ,i AM student in civil engineering and doing in GZSCET,BAthinda ,india .sir can i join WEC

Esther says:

Hi everyone

The online documentation pack is USD 295. If any one wants it, please write here and we will arrange it asap.

ravi says:

hi,i’d like to know the best university in Asia providing masters in civil engineering.thank you.

saurav devkota says:

sir i am civil engineering studying student in nepal.can i be the member

abhilash.ep says:

I am civil engineering student …….& am interested in this field very much………can i be a member…..?

Ntukidem, Inemesit says:

I am a Civil Engineering student in Nigeria,I am interested in my decipline can I be a member..?

Sayyed says:

Hi m also intrsd so pls send me pack

Vishnu says:

I am Civil Engineer. I want to know more about it.

HIBAM says:



sir i am diploma in civil engineering from punjab (india) in 1995 and my experiance in building. sir i can get any membership now i am in Dubai (UAE)

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